I want to thank all of you for being so helpful. A lot of good ideas have come along so far.
Understanding that many of our kids are poorly catechized and therefore will find it difficult to talk about their faith (something they don’t really know much about) we are attempting to cover the basics with them. We use Catholic versions of game shows, which are fun and teach them something at the same time. Its progress. Thanks for your other ideas on how to teach them about the faith. I’ve made notes!
We try to get the older high schoolers to help lead when we can, although that is something we realize we need to make happen more often.
Skits - I, too, HATED skits! But you know what? Our kids said they WANT skits! By a show of hands, nearly every one of them want to do skits. Go figure. That taught me never to make judgments FOR them - to ask.
We never put them in a position where they are “forced” to do something they do not want. If they don’t want to, or can’t, share about their faith, that’s fine. But we need to give the others an opportunity to do so because that is why we are there. This past week we actually had a good discussion. There were several kids who had some meaningful things to say, but the majority of the kids did not. Had we not given everyone this opportunity, those who talked wouldn’t have had the chance to let us all know how God was working in their lives. What they shared meant a lot to them and they were obviously glad for the opportunity to share. The “silent” ones would not have learned from the witness of their peers. They had the chance the talk, but we certainly did not try to “make” them. It was a hopeful start.
Thanks again everyone. If you think about it, say a prayer for my sophomore son and friends who are going to Franciscan University this weekend with his high school theology class & teachers. College visit, Festival of Praise, Mass, adoration, confession, etc. They will see another dimension of how the Catholic faith can be lived out - and it should be awesome!