I this thread I want to address the question of aesthetics, especially music and movies. Star Wars is on tv tonight, and I have always got a special feeling from it (one that feels good), but it is a feeling that is very far from the much more Christian feeling of the Lord of the Rings. But how do I know the feeling I get from a movie is the same that someone else gets? Is there anything objective here? If not, how can I judge what movies are good and which are bad? Some parents among Catholics thought that the Harry Potter movies were bad, and that the Disney channel is not appropriate. But are these parents wrong to say everyone gets the same impression from these that they do? Do old movies have the same effect on all children? Can any kind of music, as well, be said to be objectively and forever immoral in its feel?
(I want to exclude from this conversation pornographic lyrics or movie scenes)
(I want to exclude from this conversation pornographic lyrics or movie scenes)