Hello. I’m a practicing Catholic, and I uphold the laws and teaching of the Church as best a sinner can. I’m frequently challenged or I inquired to my faith and life choices.
I mostly just use the arguments from contingency, and it totally works, but I’m tired of sounding like a broken record and would like fresh material.
I’ve read the fine tuning arguments In Trent Horns book Answering Athiesm, and while I find them convincing I don’t find them easy to memorize, or use them in a casual conversation.
How have you personally used the fine tuning arguments?
How do you bring them up?
Can you simplify them?
I mostly just use the arguments from contingency, and it totally works, but I’m tired of sounding like a broken record and would like fresh material.
I’ve read the fine tuning arguments In Trent Horns book Answering Athiesm, and while I find them convincing I don’t find them easy to memorize, or use them in a casual conversation.
How have you personally used the fine tuning arguments?
How do you bring them up?
Can you simplify them?