How do you practice humility, obedience, and trust?

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Humility, obedience, and trust seem to be seen by most in our society as weaknesses, yet I think they are exactly the virtues our society needs the most. As Catholics, we should be good examples.

How do you practice these virtues in your life?
I would prefer to think in terms of the virtues as taught and organized by Holy Mother Church. Faith, hope, and charity; then prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. I think I can agree that in our society we are lacking humility, obedience, and trust, but consider how these are dependent upon a right foundation. We are called to humility, but some of the actions that are required of us–such as correcting others (without being overzealous ourselves) (*) are often thought arrogant in our society, such as when we mention to people that contraception is a violation of God’s Truth, or that homosexual “marriage” is utterly implausible. We are to be obedient, but St. Paul had to rebuke the first Pope, St. Peter, rather than be ‘obedient’ to his erroneous gesture. (*) We are called to trust God, but improperly constituted government that deliberately interposes itself between the people and God–government that overtly ignores God’s true Church–we are not called to “trust” such a monster. We may have dealings with it, as needs be, but to consider trust a virtue in the context of one who rejects the truth is mistaken. Caution might be more prudent.
I yield for others in stores and elsewhere.

I hold doors open for others behind me.

I strive to accept my husband’s wishes regarding family matters.

I pray to the Holy Spirit to unite me to be in union with the Magisterum of the Church.

I participate in Eucharistc Adoration regularly.

I surround myslf with good Catholic music, radio or television.

I read the National Catholic Register and no secular newspapers.

I didn’t give up my faith when my daughter died. I have also managed to stay married to my husband since then, too.

I didn’t go out and get a job even when times were tough financially.I trusted that we would have all that we needed and we did.

I participate in FAMILIA and learn to be a better wife and mother.
These vitrues require something very difficult for us to accomplish…surrrender our desires of the flesh to those of the spirit. As we know from the experiences of life, the two always seem to be at odds, wanting to go in the opposite direction.

It is an ongoing struggle, but I try to do the opposite of what my initial desire is (which is usually the flesh attempting to call the shots at this point). Cheerfully perform that task in front of others that is lowly; do what is right, even when no one is watching; and finally, trust (believe) that what you are doing (or don’t do, if that is the case) when the spirit moves you, is the correct action to take.

This is hard…and we fail often. The key is to not stop trying.

May His hand be over you my friend…
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