How do you pray for your priests?

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I’d just like to know how you pray for your parish priests. You can select more than one item. I just realized I forgot to add an item for those who don’t pray for their priests. Sorry about that. I figured we all do.

I started off the voting myself. The Other that I do is include them in my Morning Offering and pray a Chaplet of St. Maximilian Kolbe for them.
I realize that I do not pray for our priests very often. I have prayed that we always have priests but now I know we need to pray for their well-being and spiritual life.
I had never thought about priests needing help-now as an adult I know how hard it must be for them as well as all of us to live a good and spiritual vocation.
Growing up I was blessed to know priests who were such outstanding examples of virtue and piety. I feel honored to have known them.

Thank’s for the great question-it really got me thinking.
All of the above, and I’ve been known to shoot off a spontaneous Hail Mary or Our Father in my heart when I pass the Church, or see 'em on the street. Oh yes, and always offer up thanksgiving for their choice and their ministry.
Oops, I forgot, and this one is tough for me to remember, but I’m trying, whenever he does something that irritates, annoys or whatever and I’m tempted to run to him with a hasty criticism, or worse, complain about him to others. . .
Pray for them the same way you would pray for anyone in need of your support… trust me friend, your priest can use all the prayers he can get 👍
I pray a Rosary everyday for The Holy Father and priests everywhere…and an extra for the ones who cause me to get upset…🙂 It is our duty as Catholic to pray for our priests…
I made up my own prayer, which I say at the end of every Mass as the priest is leaving the altar:

‘Lord, bless your priests. Give them all the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. Give them eternal life for the good they do for us in your name. Thank you for them. Give us more like them. Amen.’

I also have a list of intentions in my daily prayers (the dead, people in trouble, for conversions of various people, for the ill, etc.) which includes all the priests who have touched my life in one way or another from the pope to my confessor to just priests I’ve met or even read about or that friends have told me are in need of prayer.

The priesthood is such an inestimable gift to us, we really need to pray all the time for our priests. Imagine these men totally devoting themselves to the service of…everyone. Just everybody who says, ‘Hey, Father, can you help me?’ When I think of how hard it is for me sometimes, as a teacher, to ‘appear’ to be open, interested, to have all the time in the world to stop and look a student in the eyes and patiently hear them out (they are non-native speakers of English) when they stop me in the hall with some question… then I think of priests who have devoted their entire lives, their whole selves in being open like that to anyone who comes to them with any problem or need or request…it just takes my breath away!

Anyone who says we should get rid of the celibate priesthood and have a married priesthood is like someone who would throw away gold and replace it with stainless steel. We’ve got these extraordinary men who just pour themselves out in service to everyone… Why would we get rid of that and have them divided between family responsibilities and church responsibilities?

Sorry, I digressed, didn’t I? I just think the priesthood is the most awe-inspiring gift, and I can’t understand how any church can get along without them!

Thank You Lord for the gift of the priesthood! Thank you dear priests for answering His call!
I pray my own prayer too depending on what i feel I need to pray for cuz 3 priests need differnt prayers right!?:yup:

Peace and God Bless
I say this prayer every day for our priests


O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests;
for Your unfaithful and tepid priests;
for Your priests labouring at home or abroard in distant
mission fields;
for Your tempted priests;
for Your lonely and desolate priests;
for Your young priests;
for Your dying priests;
for the souls of Your priests in purgatory;
O Jesus, keep them all close to Your heart, and bless them
abundantly in time and in eternity.
This is another prayer I say for our priests.


Lord Jesus, You have chosen Your priests from among us and sent them out to proclaim Your work and to act in Your name.
For so great a gift to Your Church, we give Your praise and thanksgiving.
We ask You to fill them with the fire of Your love, that their ministry may reveal Your presence in the Church.
Since they are earthen vessels, we pray that Your power shine out through their weakness.
In their afflictions let them never be crushed;
in their doubts never despair;
in temptation never be destroyed;
in persecution never abandoned.
Inspire them through prayer to live each day the mystery of Your dying and rising.
In times of weakness send them Your Spirit, and help them to praise Your Heavenly Father and pray for poor sinners.
By the same Holy Spirit put Your word on their lips and Your love in their hearts, to bring good news to the poor and healing to the broken hearted.
And may the gift of Mary Your mother to the disciple whom You loved, be Your gift to every priest.
Grant that she who formed Your in her human image, may form them in You divine image, by the powers of Your Spirit, to the glory of God the Father.
Thank You Lord for the gift of the priesthood! Thank you dear priests for answering His call!
Amen a thousand times over. When I first came back to my Faith after a long long hiatus, I was petrified over the prospect of going to confession. “how do I confesses a lifetime of sins”?, “what is he (the priest) going to think”?

Once there, I found myself a bit overcome with emotion. He was more comforting then I ever could have imagined. As I was leaving the confessional and thanked him, he replied with, “thank you, you made my day, you made my sitting in this little room all the worth while”.

Each time I have encountered a Priest, be it in my home parish or in the fabulous and beautiful Shrine of Saint Anthony’s in downtown Boston, I leave with an overwhelming feeling of peace and Gods love. They are married to the church for good reason and good cause. Let it be no other way.

to Nel: thanks, it is comforting to know there are people who truly understand and can relate. 🙂
I pray for priests during mass, when I pray the rosary and sometimes through out the day when I remember.

These days I am offering more prayers up for my priest because he will be celebrating ten years with our parish. :clapping:
Khoria Anna:
Oops, I forgot, and this one is tough for me to remember, but I’m trying, whenever he does something that irritates, annoys or whatever and I’m tempted to run to him with a hasty criticism, or worse, complain about him to others. . .
Hard for me to remember, too. I keep telling my wife that if she doesn’t vote, she can’t complain about our public “servants”. A couple of months ago, I complained about a priest in a neighboring parish. She answered back with “If you don’t pray for them, you don’t have the right to complain about them.” Got me to thinking.

Although I have always included the Holy Father and our bishop in my prayers, I often tended to overlook our parish priests. I haven’t forgotten since then. And, much like you, I now try to pray for those priests who irritate me.

I made up my own prayer, which I say at the end of every Mass as the priest is leaving the altar:

‘Lord, bless your priests. Give them all the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. Give them eternal life for the good they do for us in your name. Thank you for them. Give us more like them. Amen.’

Before Mass, I always include a prayer for the intention of the whatever priest will be giving the Mass that day, but I hadn’t thought about praying for them after Mass. I think it’s a good idea.

May I use your prayer?

During my morning prayers.

O Jesus, by Your Most Loving Heart, I implore You to inflame with zeal for Your love and glory, all the priest of the world, all the missionaries and those whose office it is to preach Your Word, that on fire with holy zeal, they may snatch souls from the devil and lead them into the shelter of Your Heart, where for ever they may glorify You.

I include them in my petitions to St. Jude daily. And then, everytime I see a priest in clerical garb, I am reminded to offer a little prayer. Who knows how many I’m missing if they’re in street clothes 😉

Before Mass, I always include a prayer for the intention of the whatever priest will be giving the Mass that day, but I hadn’t thought about praying for them after Mass. I think it’s a good idea.

May I use your prayer?

I don’t think there’s a copyright on prayer!:blessyou:
This is going to take a tremendous amount of vigor for prayer and hope.

I think that we also will need to pray for the growth in family life and in pursuit of Catholic households encouraging their children to want to become religious.

God Bless all our children with calls to the religious life!
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