How do you the HT?

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Im am just curious if how do you pray? We know that we pray to GOD but we know that there are three Person in one GOD.

Do you pray separately to God Almighty, to Mighty God, and to the Holy Spirit?

It is really confusing sometmes isnt it? like

" God thank you for this life that you gave to me" <----this prayer is for The Father Almighty

"God thank you for Redeeming us <-------- this is for Jesus Christ
I usually pray to the Father, in the name of Jesus His Son.

I don’t pray vocal prayers to the Holy Spirit because I think the Spirit’s language does not include human words. Whenever I practice contemplative (silent) pray is when I most invite the Holy Spirit to come into my presence.

Nothing wrong I see in talking directly to Jesus, but that’s just a personal opinion. (like everything I say for that matter)

It is not the average schmo who thinks to pray to the entire Trinity at once. So you will not get many answers about people’s experiences praying to the entire Trinity.

I try to pray to the original commnuity-- the basis and hope of married couples – but usually I am bogged down with a child who has a crisis. Right now, my attachment diisorder son is being most contrary and I am trying to not give in and pin him to the floor – or choke him or something 😃 . He works hard to be abused, it takes all that I have to not abuse him. So naturally my whole concept of praying to the Holy Trinity is gone at this moment.

How’s that?
Victor, I do, at times, pray to the Most Holy Trinity, beginning thusly. . . .

“O God, Trinity Whom I adore, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. . .”
I usually just pray to “God” intending to address the entire Trinity, because each Person in the Trinity is fully God. If I address a prayer to a specific Person, I usually pray to the Son, especially if I’m near the Eucharist, in which case I address Christ specifically as He is present in the Eucharist. I also pray to the Holy Spirit, especially if I feel that I am lacking one of the fruits of the Spirit. I usually pray to the Father more through memorized prayers such as the Our Father. Occasionally I will adress each Person of the Trinity in prayer, but most of the time I just address my prayer to the Trinity in general.
Grace and Glory:
I usually just pray to “God” intending to address the entire Trinity, because each Person in the Trinity is fully God. If I address a prayer to a specific Person, I usually pray to the Son, especially if I’m near the Eucharist, in which case I address Christ specifically as He is present in the Eucharist. I also pray to the Holy Spirit, especially if I feel that I am lacking one of the fruits of the Spirit. I usually pray to the Father more through memorized prayers such as the Our Father. Occasionally I will adress each Person of the Trinity in prayer, but most of the time I just address my prayer to the Trinity in general.
That is also the way i pray. I pray to the Father for all the creations, our life and everything visible and invisible. I pray to the Son for anything especially inside the eucharistic adoration. I pray to the Holy Spirit when i need some guidance and need help with my faith.

But i always begin my prayer adoring and worshipping the Holy Trinity.

Is that okay?
Each person of the Trinity has different meaning to me, just as each relationship I have with others differs. So I approach on the basis of my need. Most often, I pray to the Father, in the Name of the Son and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

When I speak to the Holy Spirit, it’s as to a confidant, a partner, my closest friend, the One whom I share everything with, including my innermost thoughts. He’s the One who dwells in me. He coaches me in life, teaching me God’s Word and directing my path. I feel like it’s He who I offend most when I sin, so even after I’ve asked the Father for forgiveness, I tend to apologize to the Spirit as well. It’s the Spirit whom I ask to give me strength to live holy, who I ask for guidance. It’s the Spirit to whom I yield myself when I need His power to flow through me in ministry to others. It’s His Voice I hear speaking to me through my spirit.

In Jesus I see my Lord, my King, my Master. He inspires me and illuminates my world. I’m in awe of Him, yet it’s Jesus to whom I reach out when I need to address my humaness and weaknesses, since He understands the flesh and what it’s like to be human. I ask Jesus to teach me how to please the Father and obey His will for me. I tend to pray more specifically to Jesus when I have needs. I feel like I get my marching orders from Him and the Spirit helps me to walk that out everyday.

In the Father, I see Dad. Warm and intimate. Loving and strong. Approachable, yet holy beyond imagination, and thus a bit fearful. It’s the Father I want to please most. And it’s Him who I know I must approach with a pure heart. With the Father, I tend to get to the point quickly in prayer and not babble at Him. Mostly, I just enjoy getting into His Presence and being there - to “be still and know that I am God”.

I know you are just getting into the LOTH. Look at the prayer that ends each psalm, the Glory be, which is the supreme Trinitarian prayer of the Church. Also look in the back of your book for the hymns, you will find many of the old hymns praising the Holy Trinity. Sung prayer is also part of the prayer of the Chruch.
To the Father, I offer up formal prayers of praise, thanksgiving and sorrow for my sins. To the Son, I make more personal prayer thanking Him for dying on the cross for my sins and asking Him to be with me at the hour of death not as my judge to damn me to the fires of hell but as my saviour to save me from final damnation. To the Holy Spirit I offer of prayers seeking help & guidance in every aspect of my life especially for help with my prayers.
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