My heart goes out to you. I deeply empathize with your feelings. I am an adoptive parent also. We have 3 children. Our family is transracial. From the time I was a child, I knew I could “change the world” by being a good mother. When it became clear shortly after my husband and I married (we used NFP, so within 6 months we knew there was a problem----yay NFP), that we could not have a baby, we began a 61/2 year long road of infertility testin, surgery, etc. , I fell into despair. Although our infertility reason was discovered, it is one that is not easily treatable with moral means.
After much prayer, we chose to adopt.
When I homeschooled, it seemed every month another mom would become pregnant. I know the moms were happy and the children they were raising would be raised in a happy/holy family, they just seemed to take it in stride that they would be blessed with children. They would talk about “planning” when the next child would come, etc. Many times they would seem ungrateful with their blessings or look on having children as some sort of production line. I would hold back my tears until I got home.
I wanted more children so badly, that I started feeling jealous and angry. I kept praying for more children—the natural way or through adoption. Financially, it was not feasible (and still is not) to adopt more children.
One day, while praying in front of The Blessed Sacrament, I looked down at my 3 beautiful children. I realized that God HAD answered my prayers. I felt truly like God had given me the cross of infertility, so that I could have them and somehow help others. Instead of praying for more kids, I realized I needed to appreciate the ones I have----they can change the world. I now ask God to do HIS will for my life and slowly, I am becoming more at peace.
In the Catechism, under infertility, it talks about how God is compassionate towards infertile couples and understands their pain. Reading that also brought me comfort.
God Bless You. I hope these ramblings help you in some small way. You and your husband are in my prayers.
God Bless