How do you retort when after saying some deep stuff, ppl say "Whatever.."?

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Whatever loser…I still think…” is a reply maybe even an infuriating one that ppl sometimes give after you given a long articulate plus meticulousy detailed and specific explanation.

Maybe when the word “loser” is inserted it’s a also a vague* ad hominem* jab at the person^1 to overshadow/override what was previously said.In such an instance I’d be tempted to interrupt such a speaker if they said that and especially if there going to stick with a previous premise they made.

What would you guys do and/or what is a better course of action?.Compassion and love I know you can be included here somehow >:\ …

^1 on the claims of the lack of purpose in life you have since you developed such an encompassing feedback.
You cant do much…you are entitled to your opinions and they are entitled to theirs…you are entitled to give long meaningfull comments and they are entitled to their reply of whatever…

If their replies bother you then hang round other people who would appreciate your conversation better…
Whatever loser…I still think…” is a reply maybe even an infuriating one that ppl sometimes give after you given a long articulate plus meticulousy detailed and specific explanation.

Maybe when the word “loser” is inserted it’s a also a vague* ad hominem* jab at the person^1 to overshadow/override what was previously said.In such an instance I’d be tempted to interrupt such a speaker if they said that and especially if there going to stick with a previous premise they made.

What would you guys do and/or what is a better course of action?.Compassion and love I know you can be included here somehow >:\ …

^1 on the claims of the lack of purpose in life you have since you developed such an encompassing feedback.
“Whatever” is a very rude, passive-aggressive conversation stopper used to dismiss a previous statement and express indifference. When directed at me or someone I’m with (by a third party), I walk away. Life is too short to waste on people such as that.

Pax Christi
What would I do? Hopefully keep my cool 🙂

What should we do? Bear the humiliation for the love of God. I forget which saint it was, but Our Lord complained to them that so few are willing to endure even a few words said against them, when He suffered so much in silence for us.

It is hard, but try to treat your neighbour as you would Christ.

God bless.
“Whatever” is a very rude, passive-aggressive conversation stopper used to dismiss a previous statement and express indifference. When directed at me or someone I’m with (by a third party), I walk away. Life is too short to waste on people such as that.

Pax Christi
I love the quote in your sig. I have that book. One of the best introductions I have read.

(Sorry to go off topic)
I wouldn’t call use of the word “loser” a “vague” ad hominem. It is an ad hominem.

If that was someone’s reply to me, I don’t know that I’d be continuing the conversation until such time that they could speak to me more respectfully.
  1. Excuse yourself.
  2. Reply, “I’m sorry, but I expected more in reply.”
a. “Should I give you a moment to think about it?”
b. “Perhaps I’m not understanding your point. Would you mind restating?”
c. “Now, I know better. I won’t have this conversation with you again.” See Option 1.
Loser!!! I’d definitely call them on that–that’s very insulting!

But as to “whatever”-type responses, I have found that sometimes people ask a question thinking the answer will be quick, but to do the answer justice requires a long thoughtful response. If I have any suspicion that the person might want only a quick response, I ask: Do you want the long answer or the short one? I say it lightly and that gives them a chance to head me off–I have been known to talk for way too long about certain topics :o

But your … fellow conversationalist was over the top, imho!!!
“Whatever” is upsetting, but “loser” is unacceptable.

In the ideal, we should be able to speak to each other respectfully, without insulting words…“loser”, “dumb”, “stupid”, and all the like which only cause real communication to break down and arguments to erupt, sometimes with terrible, long-lasting consequences.

If someone is using the word “loser” to you, he/she might not care anyway, but if you want to try, you could say that you will listen to the person’s opinion, but you just ask that there be mutual respect, no “put downs” or name calling.

If the person still won’t change, there may be little you can do except for avoiding that person.
Do you want the long answer or the short one?
👍 I’ll try to remember this.

sidetrack, I don’t know what a good response would be. Honestly, I would probably shrug my shoulders and leave it at that. To me “whatever” is some people’s way of saying “I want this conversation to be over now”, so I would oblige that. I’m sorry they didn’t appreciate what you had to say. You tried, that’s all you can do (besides pray for them).
I’ve always seen “Whatever” as a rude way of saying, “You have a point. But I am too stubborn to admit it.”

As for the “loser” insert. I’d go so far as to claim a victory within the conversation. If there is that large of a breakdown that they can only come up with that as a retort then they don’t have anything substantial to back their own opinion/stance.
I would never say "whatever loser! Those are fighting words.

I do say “whatever”…as an indication to change the subject. 🤷
“Whatever” is a very rude, passive-aggressive conversation stopper used to dismiss a previous statement and express indifference. When directed at me or someone I’m with (by a third party), I walk away. Life is too short to waste on people such as that.

Pax Christi

or I drop the subject; then buy a t-shirt for said person that says “whatever” which oddly never gets worn. Hmmmm
Whatever loser…I still think…” is a reply maybe even an infuriating one that ppl sometimes give after you given a long articulate plus meticulousy detailed and specific explanation.

Maybe when the word “loser” is inserted it’s a also a vague* ad hominem* jab at the person^1 to overshadow/override what was previously said.In such an instance I’d be tempted to interrupt such a speaker if they said that and especially if there going to stick with a previous premise they made.

What would you guys do and/or what is a better course of action?.Compassion and love I know you can be included here somehow >:\ …

^1 on the claims of the lack of purpose in life you have since you developed such an encompassing feedback.
You could look at it this way.

The person has no credible counter-argument and so resorts to ad-hominems. He/ she has conceded the argument to you.
You could look at it this way.

The person has no credible counter-argument and so resorts to ad-hominems. He/ she has conceded the argument to you.
Exactly, the same as when someone tries to change the subject. They have conceded the original point to you, though they may lack the good graces to do it properly.
Exactly, the same as when someone tries to change the subject. They have conceded the original point to you, though they may lack the good graces to do it properly.
Like the woman who threw away my laundry. She admitted to doing it after saying she didn’t know what it was and then tossed it. Everything she said pointed to my arguments of her wrongdoing and still, she just kept offering me money when that wasn’t the point. Nothing reeked of guilt more than her changing the subject with money.Five times.
Exactly, just the “whatever” response depending how its said can mean a re-evaluation of the conversation. Whatever, can also be in agreement, as in do you want tea or coffee, whatever?

Seems to be a lack of communication through the slang of the day, historic issue, or worse today than usual?
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