How do you try to nourish your faith?

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“…but the wise brought flasks of oil
with their lamps.” (Mt 25:4)

We were on our way home to Manila from Pampanga sometime in November some ten years back. We were cruising along the Pampanga viaduct when the gasoline gauge of my car lighted up as a warning that my gasoline is near empty. I didn’t notice that it was nearing empty when we left my husband’s hometown. My husband was driving his niece’s car and he was a few cars behind me. I turned on my hazard signal light and stopped near an exit right after the viaduct and waited for him. We needed to leave the highway to look for a gasoline station since there was no gasoline station near the vicinity along that stretch of the highway at that time.

I was on pins and needles from the time the gasoline gauge lighted up while we were along the viaduct. I was asking my children to pray we will not run out of gas until we find a gas station considering that there was a heavy traffic on that portion of the highway because of an accident a few hours before. Besides it was late Sunday afternoon and All Saint’s Day at that, hence the heavy turn-out of motorists going back to Manila. And this was all happening because I hadn’t the foresight to check my gasoline before we left Pampanga.

I guess the same thing happens in our spiritual journey when we do not have enough oil of faith to sustain us along the way; when we do not bring an extra supply to fortify our spirit whenever the storms in our life come to disrupt our journey. The tendency is always for us to panic and feel desperate; to be distressed and greatly afflicted. Faith is the gas that brings us to our destination; it is the oil that keeps us burning with love for God. It is what keeps our spirit alive and vibrant in the midst of sufferings. Faith is what keeps us hoping for that light at the end of the dark tunnel. And maybe…just maybe… faith is what keeps me looking young ( 😃 …that’s what they say…actually…) even when I am in my fifties. ( :yup: See, I never hide my real age, you know…)

Let us always strive to nourish our faith by asking God to strengthen it day by day. We will find nourishment by reflecting on His Word and conversing with God everyday. We can also read the lives of the saints and other sources of holiness that are made available for us. The important thing is that we have enough reservoir of oil to last us through our spiritual journey with the Lord.

How do you try to daily nourish your faith ?

God bless,
Prayer, Reading, Adoration, Yodeling, Evangelizing and Reflection (PRAYER)

Yea, I’m just kidding about the Yodeling… It just made the acroynm

I try and pray at least 1 hour daily if time permits.
I will read The Bible, Church Dogma, Opposition Articles.
I then reflect on the opposition articles and research for answers to their points.
Evangelizing I suppose would count as to talking on all these forums.
Prayer, Reading, Adoration, Yodeling, Evangelizing and Reflection (PRAYER)

Yea, I’m just kidding about the Yodeling… It just made the acroynm

LOL! But you know one can yodel in praises to God, don’t you think? 😃

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