I’m personally had it up to here with them.
First of all, people ahve rights to their property. The BoR protects people agaisnt unreasonable search and seizures. But rights to one’s property, including their money, is an alien concept to them and they can not understand that in forcing people to give up their wealth they too are committing a crime against humanity.
I’ve also noticed that there are two types of Socialists, the guilty rich, but those are the minority, and the dirt poor. Whiole I can understand how the poor could feel hostile to the rich, the hypocrisy of the guilty rich saddens me.
They say that one can only live on just enough to help them survive, on what is a neccessity. Just enough to feed people and give them health care. But often times the guilty rich socialist will refuse to give up their own money and big houses and gold pens to feed and help the poor. That makes them hypocrites of a high order.
So they should lead by example, if they want people to live by the means and give by the emans, then they should give up their big houses and golden toilets and live in a two bedroom house. Yet they don’t.
They also can’t understand that in forcing people to give at gunpoint is nto charity, and is nothing more and theft and thuggery. But they don’t care.
People ahve a right to their property, and that inclueds their money. It is not their repsonsibility.
However, to put it in a Christian perspect, God does encourage us to be charitable, and those who give are highly cherished.
And one of the greatest holidays of all time is based on the concpet of charity and giving. That is Christmass.
Chairty is the greatest of love, and it should be followed, and valued, but not at the end of a sword.
Often the argument will be “it’s for charity” or “for the common good”
But the greatest of crimes have been in the name of the common good. Slavery, wars of genocide, purging of governments to further one’s own power… so many things have been done in the name of the common good, and I personally have come to hate those words.
First of all, people ahve rights to their property. The BoR protects people agaisnt unreasonable search and seizures. But rights to one’s property, including their money, is an alien concept to them and they can not understand that in forcing people to give up their wealth they too are committing a crime against humanity.
I’ve also noticed that there are two types of Socialists, the guilty rich, but those are the minority, and the dirt poor. Whiole I can understand how the poor could feel hostile to the rich, the hypocrisy of the guilty rich saddens me.
They say that one can only live on just enough to help them survive, on what is a neccessity. Just enough to feed people and give them health care. But often times the guilty rich socialist will refuse to give up their own money and big houses and gold pens to feed and help the poor. That makes them hypocrites of a high order.
So they should lead by example, if they want people to live by the means and give by the emans, then they should give up their big houses and golden toilets and live in a two bedroom house. Yet they don’t.
They also can’t understand that in forcing people to give at gunpoint is nto charity, and is nothing more and theft and thuggery. But they don’t care.
People ahve a right to their property, and that inclueds their money. It is not their repsonsibility.
However, to put it in a Christian perspect, God does encourage us to be charitable, and those who give are highly cherished.
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:24-25
But these are not laws to be enforced at gunpoint. These are vitues.In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Acts 20:35
And one of the greatest holidays of all time is based on the concpet of charity and giving. That is Christmass.
Chairty is the greatest of love, and it should be followed, and valued, but not at the end of a sword.
Often the argument will be “it’s for charity” or “for the common good”
But the greatest of crimes have been in the name of the common good. Slavery, wars of genocide, purging of governments to further one’s own power… so many things have been done in the name of the common good, and I personally have come to hate those words.