How do you walk with Him?

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I was wondering how other people walk with the Lord.

How do you offer your day to Him?

In prayer…
In service…
In all things…

What are you able to do given your particular vocation (single, married, married w/ children, religious, priest, etc…)?
Good question Irish…

I talk about God a lot, especially to my kids. While I grew up as a strict Catholic, the name Jesus and God were never really spoken out loud and discussed. Not taboo - but certainly not a topic of daily conversation.
I decided I did not want my kids to be uncomfortable bringing up Jesus’ name in conversation , especially in talking about a blessing one of received during the day.
I raised children and in doing so; I learned that one can not possibly stay sane, patient, loving and kind without lifting every moment of your day to Christ. Talking to Him, Thanking Him or asking Him to help you get through another minute in your day!
When I was a child my mother would sing hymns whenever we had to drive any distance in the car (very often, like, everyday). I think a lot of my formation was the words of those hymns.
I raised children and in doing so; I learned that one can not possibly stay sane, patient, loving and kind without lifting every moment of your day to Christ. Talking to Him, Thanking Him or asking Him to help you get through another minute in your day!
Dearest Toni

This made me laugh a real belly laugh!!! It is so very true, I often say to my mother and friends …No wonder the religious, single people and hermits have been canonised, they don’t have to deal with children …!! (This always raises a laugh)

It sometimes feels impossible to be a parent and be a saint at the same time, but like you say, if you hand it all to Jesus and let the Holy Spirit fill and guide you, it is more than possible, in Christ everything is possible.

Children I have found lead us into a simpler more honest relationship with Christ. Some of the things my child says about Jesus really puts things into perspective for me on a daily basis. Children are a blessing and when times are hard with them as there will be good days along with the bad, I remind myself that all a child needs is love, love conquers everything!! I also remind myself that though she is my daughter, she is firstly God’s daughter and my sister in Christ. This thought is astounding to me everytime I contemplate it, that she is not mine, she is really my sister in Christ and in being a mother to her I am to be Mary and Christ to my daughter, infact to all people!

God Bless you Toni and much love and peace to you

I walk with Him knowing that my every step is guided by His infinite love. I try to give my day to Him and hope that the good I do reflects Him for His honor and glory. I pray to His Mother knowing she understands me…I attempt to follow the “Little Way” of St Therese. I try to talk about Him and my faith sometime during each day. I remember the words of my favorite hymn, BE NOT AFRAID… I feel good that my children know Him and practice their faith. Today my son told me he was going to take an hour at our Perpetual Adoration chapel. Praise God from whose all blessings flow…!!!
Children I have found lead us into a simpler more honest relationship with Christ.
That is such a true statement. And it doesn’t seem to end. I have 4 kids (20, 18, 16, 8). The youngest 3 are girls. God even works on me through their friends. One guy started hanging around my daughters a couple years ago. He had a lip ring. He didn’t have too much going on for himself schoolwise. To make a long story short, I didn’t like him that much. And I really didn’t want my daughters hanging out with him. But he became very involved with the youth group at our parish. He had been baptized a Catholic, but his family fell away from the Church. But he really wanted to belong. (I thought it was more for the good-looking babes around there than anything else. But whatever works right?) Also his dad died and he told him to go back to the Church before he died. He knew that I wasn’t too thrilled with him. But he was always very friendly to me. My daughters told me he would pray for me before Our Lord in the Eucharist to be more accepting of him. I resisted for awhile. But I knew I was wrong. And he has become a wonderful friend of our family. I know this isn’t a huge thing. But I feel more alive and connected to God’s family. Jesus wants me to get out of my comfort zone and open my heart to people and to trust him not myself. I now have his younger sister in my Confirmation class. She is also a catechumen. And she asked my wife and me to be her Godparents.
Dearest Miguel

Beautiful. That is a beautiful testament of the love of Christ working in you, very beautiful.

When we are like children we are closer to God, children have no guile, they are so pure and accepting of all people. When I talk with my daughter about God, the Father (Her Father who made her and loves her), Jesus (her very best friend who loves her) and the Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit a dove that lives in her heart and gives her God’s love and helps her to send her love to God in heaven ), she soaks everything up like a sponge, she loves to have chats about Jesus, it’s so beautiful I sometimes can’t help but cry. Being a parent has brought me closer to God, she is a gift to me who has made me realise how God loves us as His children.

In simplicity, God is most present.

God Bless you and your family and much love and peace to you all

I find the morning offering to be most helpful in offering my entire day to Our Lord. Here are two versions:

Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my day --my work, prayers, joys and sufferings for the intentions of Your Most Sacred Heart. I offer them in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass said throughout the world, in reparation for our sins, for the intentions of my friends and family, and for the intentions of our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II.

Child’s version:

Dear Lord Jesus, I give you my day,
All that I do and think and say.

Help me to call on You when I am weak;
Let it always be Your Truth I speak.

I ask Mother Mary to pray for me,
My church, my friends and my family.

Jesus, guide our Holy Father, the Pope,
And comfort all people who are without hope.

For the times we fail, for the times we sin,
Send Your Mercy and Grace to cleanse us again.

In union with all Holy Masses offered today,
Dear Jesus, this is what I pray.
…she is a gift to me who has made me realise how God loves us as His children.
God bless you too Teresa (and your family). Children are the greatest gifts…the little ones and the big ones.
Child’s version:

Dear Lord Jesus, I give you my day,
All that I do and think and say.

Help me to call on You when I am weak;
Let it always be Your Truth I speak.
Thank you for this prayer for kids! My daughter was having problems with school. Which was hard to believe because she loves :love: school! We began praying before we went to school and now she’s back to loving it! This prayer is perfect for us. It touches me when I forget because it’s a crazy morning and she reminds me that we need to pray.

In regards to how do I live the faith. I pray with my kids in morning, say the Rosary, talk to God throughout the day and end the day with reflection, petitions, thankgivings and meditation. I try to live my life, with love and charity, knowing Jesus is beside me and try, I say really try, not to sin.

I try to think of him always… try being the operative word! I am so imperfect!
I “walk” with Him when:

Many times while I am at work… I work retail and walk with Him when:
I have a difficult customer who has a concern or problem I have to solve, no matter how “irritating” it may be… it is important to that customer at that time for their own reason.
I often deal with the elderly and widows (I work in the home improvement industry) who don’t know what to do or where to turn when something as ordinary as a broken water heater or backed up toilet :eek: happens and they are deperate for help.

Or many customers who don’t speak English very well are blown off by other associates because it takes to much effort for them to deal patiently with the customers concerns.

Or when a mother with 2 unruly toddlers is trying to finish her errands…

These are everyday things that are obviously not glamorous! But giving good service to everyday people in everyday ways is what is right and good in God’s eyes, even the most menial of tasks.
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