My husband’s sister and her family are Catholic (well, she’s not, but her husband and cildren are) but they are not really even cafeteria Catholics. They are nominal Catholics. It still haunts me and hurts me that on Easter Sunday, there was a comment made on how it’s difficult to even get through a one hour Mass, made after we mentioned the lovely 2 hour vigil we attended the night before.
I pray for them regularly, but I feel more distraut over these kinds of Catholics than I do over people who are agnostic or just indifferent. I want to be a witness to the beautiful faith that is Catholicism. I want to share the great joy and peace it brings my family. I want them to see that it’s their attitudes that have caused their children to hate and complain about religious education.
So how do you witness to your family? I think I’m going to pass along some Fr. Larry Richards CD’s, but I am fairly certain they will go unlistened to. I give their children religious gifts, but I have not seen the majority of them when we gone to their house, leading me to think they’ve been returned. I just don’t know what to do other than pray.
I pray for them regularly, but I feel more distraut over these kinds of Catholics than I do over people who are agnostic or just indifferent. I want to be a witness to the beautiful faith that is Catholicism. I want to share the great joy and peace it brings my family. I want them to see that it’s their attitudes that have caused their children to hate and complain about religious education.
So how do you witness to your family? I think I’m going to pass along some Fr. Larry Richards CD’s, but I am fairly certain they will go unlistened to. I give their children religious gifts, but I have not seen the majority of them when we gone to their house, leading me to think they’ve been returned. I just don’t know what to do other than pray.