This is something that I think my wife does a great job of in our relationship… let me tell you specifically what she does that makes me feel respected, appreciated, and honored!
- She is ALWAYS supportive of me when we are around other people, if we dont agree about something, she will still support me and then kick my butt about it later. I in turn try to do the same for her.
- She never put me down or insults me even jokingly in front of other people.
- She thanks me for mowing the lawn.
- She constantly tells the kids that they have a good dad or that she loves their daddy.
- She disagrees with me, gives me her opinion, manipulates, argues, bites, screams, kicks, pouts, blackmails etc…(LOL) but in the end, she will respect my decision about something for our family and support it even if she doesnt agree with it. (We have verly seldomly had a probelm we dont work out some type of a compromise or agreement on, so this is almost a non-issue)
- She makes me feel important
- She makes me feel smart
- She defends me and builds me up to others.
- She waits up for me if I work late
- She doesnt say “I told you so…”
That is just a small list, and some are just small things, but I have no doubt that my wife loves me… btw she does not really bite, kick and scream…LOL But she is good at manipulation
Anyway, the point is that she lives her life in devotion to me and our family, and expects the same of me back.