How does EGO by BTS connect to the catholic religion?

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There is a group I really admire because of their positive messages. Just a few days ago, they released a new music video called outro: ego. (Please search it on youtube by BTS. It has english subtitles for easy understanding). A common theme or hidden easter eggs include images of religious scenes. For this specific video, at 1 minute and 49 seconds, I noticed right away that there was a statue of The Virgin Mary. They have references to other religions too but I am curious about my religion. If you have time to spear, I could please use your help putting two and two together. How does an ego tie into The Virgin Mary? Tie into our religion? How does this song specifically tie into that reference?
I know kpop isnt everyone’s cup of tea but I genuinely don’t understand and would love the parallels to the two things I love, so let’s not come off as a rude know it all.
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It doesn’t “tie into our religion”. The lyrics of the song at that point are condemning religion in general (the scene you mention has the singer bemoaning how in his past thinking he had “no hope until I die” in contrast to his newly changed mindset where he’s all posi about life “ego ego ego”) and the video maker put in a bunch of random religious imagery to illustrate the “no hope until I die” point.

This is not a positive use of religion or religious imagery. The guy is basically saying kick all that religious thinking to the curb and just enjoy life and ego ego ego as in self self self. It’s new age gunk.

It’s a catchy dance tune, the singer is cute. How about just enjoying it on that level and setting aside the vapid lyrics and misuse/ exploitation of religious imagery? Say a prayer to Mother Mary for this band, I understand there’s a lot of suicide in the K-pop industry right now, and if they’re all thinking like this song I’m not surprised.
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I watched the video two times, and looked again at some sections, and I do not see a positive connection to the Virgin Mary, the Catholic faith, or belief in anything greater than the self.

The segment from 1:44 to 2:00 seems to be looking back on a religious time in the person’s life, but from 2:00 to 2:15 the person turns away from religion, and turns toward a faith in the self.

Around 3:00, this concept of self seems to be raised even higher, with a suggestion that the soul is the All. This is a popular idea, but not a Christian idea. While it is true that God is in us and with us, we are not God, and we cannot find all things within ourselves.
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Fellow ARMY here. As people have mentioned there isn’t a positive relation to the Catholic faith. They wanted to put in some religious imagery so they put in the statue of Mary. To be honest, watching Blood, sweat and tears was also disturbing because of the statue of Mary used in the background, I mean was it really necessary? But I can’t really blame the boys for it because Bighit producers are the ones who decide what goes into the video and what doesn’t.

Let’s talk about the lyrics, EGO as well as a lot of their other songs talk about self love and having faith in yourself. But the way it has been portrayed in the EGO music video makes it seem like he’s negating God and trusting solely in himself. Almost as if he is saying trusting in God won’t do any good, have faith in your own abilities. This from a Christian perspective is a very dangerous view. But then again I tell myself that it’s the producers that have made it that way. Also, their album is based on Carl Jung’s book and I don’t think he’s a catholic philosopher.

In the end it all boils down to perspective. This song can be viewed as morally neutral or anti Catholic depending on how you view it. I wouldn’t read too much into it as long as it isn’t impacting your own beliefs in a negative way.

By the way, who is your bias? 😂
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I’m still doing tons of research and I respect your opinion. Personally, having the religious refrences didn’t offend me at all. In fact, besides the main message of the songs it kinda reminds me to look at it as how can I get a positive message through my faith and values. it might be “the bighit producers” who come up with these things but for it to somehow be subtly conveyed as “anti catholic” which could have a negative pov, doesn’t make sense for me because BTS and being downgrading with hidden messages like that would never happen. I feel they would never associated themselves with that negativity. BTS songs for the very most part always have relatable and positive meanings in their songs. You’re right I shouldn’t read too much into it but I really cant help it lol I’m ot7 so I have a different bias everyday. BTW, if you’re buying tickets i pray that you get them!
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Yes, that’s a great way to look at it. The reason I love them so much is due to their positive message and although I know they probably didn’t mean anything by it, I’m just not fond of religious imagery being used in popular media (be it BTS or any other person) unless for the purpose of giving reverence. But that’s just my opinion.

As for being anti Catholic, the song itself isn’t BUT that Part of the song “might” be viewed as anti Catholic by people who try and draw connections between the following:
  1. The lyrics that said he had no hope before
  2. He assumes the faces of different gods
  3. He puts faith in his own ability and self rather than trusting in God to provide
Now as you said BTS wouldn’t associate themselves with something anti catholic but as far as I know non of them are Christians to begin with so they wouldn’t understand what we’re talking about anyways. For example, somebody commented this:
Around 3:00, this concept of self seems to be raised even higher, with a suggestion that the soul is the All. This is a popular idea, but not a Christian idea. While it is true that God is in us and with us, we are not God, and we cannot find all things within ourselves.
BTS wouldn’t be able to relate simply because they aren’t Christian. They don’t believe God to be who he is or to be the centre of our life like we do.

If you show any practicing Catholic this little clip of the video without giving them context they’d say “he’s proclaiming himself God” or “he’s violating the first commandment.”

Again, this isn’t what I believe nor am I saying they are at fault or that they’re making anti catholic videos, I’m just telling you how this “could” be perceived when taken out of context.

But don’t worry, army know the true message they’re trying to send, which is absolutely pure and beautiful.

I tried for the Seoul concert but I didn’t win the raffle 😦
I might try for Japan XD What about yourself?
Of course it makes sense! I got tickets to Dallas. If I could I would love to go to a Seoul concert one day. Did you see today’s concept photos? I kinda got the last supper vibes. But that’s just me reading into it too much again!
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