How does God make you feel His love?

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How in your life has our Lord made you feel His love? I mean moments when you truly felt that He was holding you in the palm of His hand, that He was clearly singled you out with a gesture of His love intended just for you. A moment when you felt tangibly that you are always in His gaze, no matter what, and that you truly, deeply felt His love. Is anyone willing to share their experiences?
When it comes to my relationship with God, I rarely feel anything beyond an immense distance or some vague sort of agitation and the knowledge that He’s holding me in existence … but there have been occasional moments of pure joy, like the one time where the only ‘thought’ in my head was ‘You are God’ and there was an immense accompanying sense of peace and joy. Hard to describe …
I have to agree with Squirt here. Being more inclined towards a sort of contemplative intellectualism, I have come to realize that God indeed is allways there, is love, and…to make ‘in the palm of his hand’ sound better…Omnipotent. I don’t really ever get the warm fuzzies, but I have an immensely powerful faith that He’s allways there for me. As far as me allways being there for Him, well that’s another story.Dan
By sending me personal messages in the Liturgy. The best example was a few years ago when I had a period of terrible doubt about the existence of God. It was ruining my life, because, as a serious Catholic, I had built my whole life on the premise that God does indeed exist. The pain got so bad that I finally asked to speak to the priest about it - without telling him what the problem was. He agreed to meet me after a weekday morning Mass. I went to the Mass (not unusual for me) unaware of the liturgical calendar and found that it was the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle! Doubting Thomas!! How gracious can He get?

Just recently, I found myself drifting away from my plan of prayer. On the day that I got my self in gear to start again, I picked up Magnificat and did Morning Prayer. As is my custom, when I won’t be going to daily Mass, I went on to read the scriptures for Mass. The first reading was that wonderful passage from Hosea, “I will lead her into the desert and speak to her heart…” That was lovely enough in itself, but in addition, it was my “theme” for Lent 2003, when I was very close to God and praying very faithfully. It had come up on one of the last Sundays before Lent that year and just grabbed me, and here He is, using it again to call me back - on the very day that I come back!

This kind of thing just puts me in awe of His omnipotence - He arranges your life, my life, everybody else’s life, and the liturgy and all kinds of other happenings, so that everything weaves itself together in a beautiful tapestry of love for each one of us! Mummybee, thank you for asking this question to remind me to thank Him again!

I feel His presence in my life daily. In the Mass He comes to me to give me strength and I feel His love that He would come to one such as I. I feel His presence in my daily walk through this life’s journey. I feel His presence in the cross of illness, sorrow and difficulty. I feel His love in the eyes of a newborn child. I feel His presence and hear His “still small voice” in the laughter and in the tears which come into my life and the lives of others.

I felt His presence and His love powerfully through my husbands cancer ordeal this winter. From the moment we received the news that even with surgery, chemo and radiation, there was no hope to cure the cancer. They could only delay the outcome for awhile. The cancer had spread too far. Each day He was present to me giving us the strength to carry our cross and to rejoice even in the midst of difficulty. We felt Him in the preparations and celebrations of our last Thanksgiving together as a family. In our last Christmas loving Him and celebrating His birth together as a family. I felt Him holding us tenderly all through the weeks and months of surgery and recovery. And each day when I hear my husband speak to me about everyday things, I feel His presence and hear Him whisper His love to me. The voice of my husband which still speaks with clarity even though the cancer surgery destroyed his mouth and tongue. Yet God sent us a gifted doctor who was able to rebuild a tongue for my husband and he speaks and looks as if nothing had ever happened to rob him of his speech.

I felt His presence most especially when the doctors came to us to say: “You husbands tumor was very large. But we cannot explain this any other way than to say we cannot explain a miracle. The cancer was dead. You are cancer free.”

I feel His presence as we live each day as though it were our first day of loving Him. I feel His presence in all that we do and all that we are and will become. I “Thank God always that He loves us so much more than we can possible love one another.”
How in your life has our Lord made you feel His love? I mean moments when you truly felt that He was holding you in the palm of His hand, that He was clearly singled you out with a gesture of His love intended just for you. A moment when you felt tangibly that you are always in His gaze, no matter what, and that you truly, deeply felt His love. Is anyone willing to share their experiences?
every time i step into the sun and the warmth hit my face… 👍
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