How does one cure spiritual depression?

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How does one cure or treat depression caused by spirituality (bad) and / or a past life full of sin. The reason I ask is because I have depression and I have been on several medications for this and I heard on the radio before that depression could be spiritual. I feel like in my spiritual life I am just going through the motions of being Catholic, I learn, and I can’t put my faith into practice. I have several things I am struggling with that have to do with the spiritual side of things and I believe that these things are causing my depression or at least have a BIG hand in it. Any advice?
Ya know, I think this might be something into which I should look or explore. I am feeling very funky toward certain thing in my diocese. Maybe this has something to do with it.
How does one cure or treat depression caused by spirituality (bad) and / or a past life full of sin. The reason I ask is because I have depression and I have been on several medications for this and I heard on the radio before that depression could be spiritual. I feel like in my spiritual life I am just going through the motions of being Catholic, I learn, and I can’t put my faith into practice. I have several things I am struggling with that have to do with the spiritual side of things and I believe that these things are causing my depression or at least have a BIG hand in it. Any advice?
Hi Dave,
I have a really hard time w/ depression especially in the winter…
Once when I was a young mother and dealing w/ anxiety disorder as well, someone gave me a novena called “The Secret of Happiness” it was a meditation of the passion,suffering and death of Our Lord…
At first I didn’t understand why this title?? … and why had she given this to me??? I soon discovered… Try meditating on the crucifix for a while each day…😉
Hi Dave,
I have a really hard time w/ depression especially in the winter…
Once when I was a young mother and dealing w/ anxiety disorder as well, someone gave me a novena called “The Secret of Happiness” it was a meditation of the passion,suffering and death of Our Lord…
At first I didn’t understand why this title?? … and why had she given this to me??? I soon discovered… Try meditating on the crucifix for a while each day…😉
Thanks, you wouldn’t happen to have a copy of that novena would you? 🙂
How does one cure or treat depression caused by spirituality (bad) and / or a past life full of sin.

Any advice?
I would say to pray the Rosary for conversion of heart. As you pray, pay attention to what your will is saying in your heart in response to what is presented before it (including past memories that come to mind). When you recognize something wrong (i.e. refusal to do, or inability to do), pause and mentally point it out to Jesus your failing, and formallly ask for grace to deal with it appropriately. (This is useful, because at times we are not sure what was wrong in what we did, though we know something was amiss.)

We thus counter-act the evil we said in our hearts with the good we now ask for.

Matthew 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

This refers primarily what we say in our hearts. We need to revisit our past curses and undo them by our own will in the “Blood” of Jesus our Savior, through repentance.

Even when you are not praying, when past memories come back to you, give the memory to Jesus, seeking the assistance of your patron Saint(s). Ask for grace to deal with the memory, and for conversion to act better next time. If you recall unconfessed sins, write them down before you forget them again, and mention them in your next confession in order to obtain grace to overcome temptation.

What you are doing is going back and picking up the confetti mess from your past disorderly “celebrations”. It can take a long time, but little by little, you will rise above the mire and prepare yourself to accept joy. It will shorten your purgatory, and will edify those around you as you grow stronger against despair and depression based on it.

You are also like one going into a large building of rooms and unlocking the doors one by one to prepare entrance for your King, Jesus. Those locked doors represent all the times you refused to let Him into an event in your interior life. Depression can be because of the conflict between being unable to open the door and refusing to unlock the door. Repenting means changing your decision to lock the door, and then going and unlocking it, tacitly admitting that you were the one who locked it to begin with.

But it takes prayer and perseverance to go and find these areas in your heart. Conversion results when we place faith in the value of God’s love towards us in Jesus Christ. This can be fostered by spiritual reading and prayer. And after a round of good effort, we may be surprised by a respite of joy in what we have given to God so far 🙂

Prayer and more prayer. Whenever I was spiritually depressed I had to make myself pray but eventually I came out of it.
Prayer and more prayer. Whenever I was spiritually depressed I had to make myself pray but eventually I came out of it.
Thanks all, God bless you.
Thanks, you wouldn’t happen to have a copy of that novena would you? 🙂
This is what it looks like…I prayed this over forty years ago for a least 10 years and it literally fell apart. I did a search on-line and this is the picture of it and a link to the excerpt:


revealed by
in the
Imprimatur: Ý V. Germond,

**Vicar General, Niciae, September 23, 1940

**The Promises:
Saint Brigit prayed for a long time to know how many blows Our Lord suffered during His terrible Passion. Rewarding her patience, one day He appeared to her and said:
"I received 5475 blows upon My Body. If you wish to honor them in some way, recite fifteen Our Fathers and fifteen Hail Mary with the following Prayers, which I Myself shall teach you, for an entire year. When the year is finished, you will have honored each of My Wounds."…
The Way Scruples 260, depression. I am not surprised: it is the cloud of dust raised by your fall. But… that’s enough! Can’t you see that the cloud has been borne far away by the breath of grace?

Moreover, your gloominess, if you don’t fight it, could very well be the cloak of your pride. — Did you really think yourself perfect and incapable of sinning?

Friends of God The Christian’s Hope ought to put you on your guard against a trick that Satan does not hesitate to use in order to rob us of our peace. He never takes a holiday! A time may come when he sows doubts in our minds, tempting us to think that we are slipping sadly backwards and are making scarcely any progress. The conviction may grow upon us that, in spite of all our efforts to improve, we are getting worse. I can assure you that normally this pessimistic judgement is mere fantasy, a deception that needs to be rejected. What has happened, as a rule, is that our soul has become more attentive, our conscience more sensitive, and our love more demanding. It can also be that the light of grace is shining more intensely and exposing to our view many details that would otherwise remain unnoticed in the shadows. In any case, we have to examine our uneasiness carefully, because through these insights Our Lord is asking us to be more humble or more generous. It is good to remember that God in his providence is continuously leading us forward and he spares no effort, whether in the form of portentous signs or of tiny miracles, to make his children progress.

Militia est vita hominis super terram, et sicut dies mercenarii, dies eius. Man’s life on earth is warfare, and his days are spent under the burden of work. No one escapes this law, not even the easygoing who try to turn a deaf ear to it. They desert the ranks of Christ, and then take up other battles to satisfy their laziness, their vanity, or their petty ambitions. They become enslaved to their every whim.

Since to be in a state of struggle is part and parcel of the human condition, let us try to fulfil our obligations with determination. Let us pray and work with good will, with upright motives and with our sights set on what God wants. This way our longing for Love will be satisfied and we shall progress along the path to sanctity, even if we find at the end of the day that we still have a long way to go.

Renew your decision each morning, with a very determined Serviam!, I will serve you, Lord! Renew your resolution not to give in, not to give way to laziness or idleness; to face up to your duties with greater hope and more optimism, convinced that if we are defeated in some small skirmish we can overcome this setback by making a sincere act of love.

The Forge You can! assail you, temptations, with that gloss of elegance about them.

I love to hear you say how this shows that the devil considers you his enemy, and that the grace of God will never leave you unprotected. Keep up the struggle!
John Russell Jr:

Militia est vita hominis super terram, et sicut dies mercenarii, dies eius. Man’s life on earth is warfare, and his days are spent under the burden of work. No one escapes this law, not even the easygoing who try to turn a deaf ear to it. They desert the ranks of Christ, and then take up other battles to satisfy their laziness, their vanity, or their petty ambitions. They become enslaved to their every whim.
Great quotes on great insights! Thanks.

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