How does one evangelize to an atheist?

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Does anyone have some tried and true suggestions on how to successfully evangelize to an atheist?
Its pretty hard.they want concrete proof of God as in work a miracle for me.
You’ll want to visit a blog called Conversion Diary at the link below:

Here’s a direct link to one of the articles in the blog, Finding God in 5 Steps:

About the blogger, in her own words:

“I was an atheist all my life until 2005. I researched my way into Christianity, and now I write about what it’s like to be part of an orthodox faith after a life of nonbelief.”

It’s an absolutely awesome blog,
I highly recommend it.

Does anyone have some tried and true suggestions on how to successfully evangelize to an atheist?
You don’t evangelize with words, you evangelize by example, I’m a convert from Atheism the strongest evidence for the existence of God that I found before i converted, was by the example of love and charity that was shown by Christians and Catholics, miracles I accepted after I had converted, not before (even though most Atheists will admit there are things that have happened that have no rational explanation).

So don’t evangelize with words (unless an Atheist shows an interest, but they are most likely agnostics, they don’t completely deny the existence of God).
Use logic, not emotion. If they walked into a room and saw a portrait of a man hanging on a wall, they would not say “gee, that portrait made itself.” They would say, “that’s a great painting; who made it?”

Yet atheists see something everyday that is billions of times more complex than a painting and smugly say that the world created itself.

Use logic. They may not admit to “God” as we know Him, but they must eventually admit to a “first cause.” By definition, that first cause is God. Then go from there.
Thanks for your responses!

I’d love to hear from more ex-atheists to find out if the evangelizing-by-example was what drew them to conversion too.

I haven’t checked out the blog yet but will pop over there soon.

I was a strong atheist until age 17. I grew up in a home of atheists and was taught atheism . My family especially like Madylyn Murray O"hare, I think it was. I used to go to primary school and share with all my classmates how there was no God and other sayings she taught which my family liked. I enjoyed it and felt I was better and smarter than the others. I also of course was not infant baptized.

When I was 15, a southern Baptist born again Christian purposefully became friends with me. I thought it was a big joke and although I liked her would make fun of her 'religion" all the time and even drew comic strips about her and pinned them up around school. She had a great sense of humor and was really my friend. She never appeared offended. She also never “witnessed” to me. I thought if she even dared to talk to me about religion or ask me to her “church” I would put her straight.

After two years of friendship, I asked her one night what her religion believed anyway. To be honest, I wasn’t all that curious, I just couldn’t believe how fanatical she seemed at a young age.

That night she told me about creation, original sin, Jesus. It took awhile. I had never heard and couldn’t believe she was saying I was a “sinner”. But she was saying everyone is a sinner.
At first I didn’t believe the message, after two weeks, I was so convicted that I was a real sinner and had been wrong my whole life , and I repented and turned to Christ, receiving Christ into my heart.

It was a big beginning. And a very difficult journey from there as my family were all very upset with me and I was still pretty young. But all praise and glory to God for the grace He has shown and continues to show me.

I would say, don’t assume the atheist really has heard the basic truths of the gospel message. I had no idea what “original sin” was or why Jesus had to die on the cross . Pray, my friend told me her whole church prayed for me for 2 YEARS every week before she ever said anything to me about christianity. Don’t pressure, but live out your life in front of them. I knew my friend was way better than me, I just couldn’t figure out why. I had seen her live out her faith all the time.

Catholics are so good at being kind and not pressuring . That’s important too.

Anyway, I believe God wants us to reach out especially to our atheist friends and family.
God bless.
Rebecca, thank you so much for sharing your touching story. What courage you have! I am deeply moved by your testimony - thank you!!!
I don’t like discussing religion with atheist and do so only if they start the conversation and seem genuinely interested. I’ve had bad experiences with people being disrespectful and closeminded to what I had to say so am a bit careful about bait.

From the conversations I’ve had with atheists I gather that they are concerned with questions like the meaning of life, fulfillment, inner peace, etc. These conversations always start by people being curious about my faith and asking me why I believe and live in a certain way, where does my sense of security really come from, how do I cope with difficulties in life. I think these questions are a good way to discuss God because we can all relate to them, regardless of our beliefs. Also, it is important to speak to them in language they understand. So for example, I don’t quote the Bible as authority for the truth that God has created the world, but ask the person if they think it is possible that something has come out of nothing. That kind of thing.
Does anyone have some tried and true suggestions on how to successfully evangelize to an atheist?
I have tried, they always want proof.

Someone once said to me if Jesus showed Himself to him then he would believe.

I remembered the parable about the rich man and Lazarus when he said tell his brothers about hell and they would believe.

Luke 16:31 Then Abraham said to him, “If they will not listen either to Moses or to the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone should rise from the dead.”

Don’t give up though, it pleases Jesus Christ that you at least try. 👍
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