How does one go about finding an exorcist?

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I live in a diocese that is currently without a Bishop, I wish to find an exorcist, I have a sexual addiction, severe depression and anxiety and after my spritual awakening started I have had a very rocky road. I do NOT think I am possessed however I wish to find an exorcist for prayer and maybe help with deliverance. These problems are getting worse and I don’t know where else to go with this. My quality of life seems to be getting worse. I am on my 3rd type of depression medication and it doesn’t seem to be helping at all. I feel like garbage most of the time, the last few times at Eucharistic adoration I have not been able to focus at all (that was never a problem before), spiritually I feel like I’m just going through the motions. I am selfish and lack charity - which both seem to be getting worse. Since our diocese is without a Bishop who would I ask at the diocese? My family is very ell known in the diocese and it would be devistating for them to know my problems, I also don’t see my parish priest for any of this either (too close to him), I go to another parish for confession to stay annonymous, I’m afraid if I call the diocese about this it will get back to my family (the family I was born into), and my relations with them are very strained. I’m just not sure what to do or where to go for help.
Blessings Logan,
I am not good at these things but I do not think it is an exorcist that would be appropriate for your problem. I think the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is much more appropriate. Check to see when your parish will be holding a mass for the Sacrament of the Sick. It would be good if you read more about this wonderous Sacrament if you do not know much about it. The Catechism is a good start God love you Logan.

Blessings Logan,
I am not good at these things but I do not think it is an exorcist that would be appropriate for your problem. I think the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is much more appropriate. Check to see when your parish will be holding a mass for the Sacrament of the Sick. It would be good if you read more about this wonderous Sacrament if you do not know much about it. The Catechism is a good start God love you Logan.

Thanks, I’ll check it out, I did hear Colin Donovan from EWTN say before that this sacrament was only for those near death, he went around about it for a couple days with several people disagreed with him, he then went on to qoute several references for his stand.
Thanks again. I remember now I think it was Fr. John Corapi talking about the Sacrament of the sick about using it for loosening addictions or something like that. What do I do if a priest won’t let me have the Sacrament?
Yes, Logan, that is true. This Sacrament is sometimes (and was) misunderstood. Here is a website I think you will like which answers the misconception as well as gives some healing testimony on the same page! Voila:
I read in “An Exorcits Tells His Story” that Confession is like an exorcism.
I’m 99.999% sure he will. From what you have described there is no doubt that you want/need healing. I’m pretty sure he will give it to you. He may tell you to wait until they have an Anointing Mass, but you can ask if you can make an appointment for reception of the Sacrament. I’m pretty sure the priest will administer to you Logan.

You could just call your diocese and see if they can give you any information about an exorcism without you having to tell them who you are. I think you should be able to have the anointing of the sick done too. Good luck and God bless.
I’m no expert on the matter, but I do know that going to confession, on a regular basis(weekly) is an excellent idea. The devil can’t keep a soul hostage who continually receives God’s grace in Confession. However, needless to say, you should avoid all occasions of sin, especially when it’s habitual. Stay away from any person, place or thing(like drugs) that may cause you to loose your will in the battle for your soul.

The other thing that should be mentioned is that not all depression is actually caused by the devil. That goof gets way too much credit - particularly from Hollywood. God often helps us with normal means, like medication. Prayer is a wonderful way to overcome depression too, as you can contemplate the glory of God, by reading your Bible. I often read ‘the Little Flowers of St. Francis’ when I’m feeling down… I find it helps to lift me up out of my rut.

While demonic activity is a reality of life, you must remember that the devil is nothing compared to the Majesty and Power of Jesus Christ. Indeed, I have read many books on exorcism, but rare is the case where this actual possession is present. The mind is a strange and wonderful machine, and many people have mental problems. JP II says the depression is often a way that God uses to purify us spiritually - it is a form of suffering. And unfortunately, you can’t get to heaven without the cross. Remember Jesus in the Garden of Gesemane … there were no detours.

Pax et bonum
I live in a diocese that is currently without a Bishop, I wish to find an exorcist, I have a sexual addiction, severe depression and anxiety and after my spritual awakening started I have had a very rocky road. I do NOT think I am possessed however I wish to find an exorcist for prayer and maybe help with deliverance. These problems are getting worse and I don’t know where else to go with this. My quality of life seems to be getting worse. I am on my 3rd type of depression medication and it doesn’t seem to be helping at all. I feel like garbage most of the time, the last few times at Eucharistic adoration I have not been able to focus at all (that was never a problem before), spiritually I feel like I’m just going through the motions. I am selfish and lack charity - which both seem to be getting worse. Since our diocese is without a Bishop who would I ask at the diocese? My family is very ell known in the diocese and it would be devistating for them to know my problems, I also don’t see my parish priest for any of this either (too close to him), I go to another parish for confession to stay annonymous, I’m afraid if I call the diocese about this it will get back to my family (the family I was born into), and my relations with them are very strained. I’m just not sure what to do or where to go for help.
The advice about frequent use of the Sacraments is excellent.
It certainly doesn’t sound like a full-fledged exorcism is what you need.
However, if you know of a nearby priest that is in the healing and deliverance ministry he may be able to help.
The advice about frequent use of the Sacraments is excellent.
It certainly doesn’t sound like a full-fledged exorcism is what you need.
However, if you know of a nearby priest that is in the healing and deliverance ministry he may be able to help.
That is what I was looking for a priest who can help me with deliverance and healing, finding one who can do this though is the trick.
That is what I was looking for a priest who can help me with deliverance and healing, finding one who can do this though is the trick.
Sometimes the leadership of charismatic renewal prayer groups in the area can help you with this information? In my area, about once every two months in a different parish there is a charismatic healing Mass.
I live in a diocese that is currently without a Bishop, I wish to find an exorcist, I have a sexual addiction, severe depression and anxiety and after my spritual awakening started I have had a very rocky road. I do NOT think I am possessed however I wish to find an exorcist for prayer and maybe help with deliverance. These problems are getting worse and I don’t know where else to go with this. My quality of life seems to be getting worse. I am on my 3rd type of depression medication and it doesn’t seem to be helping at all. I feel like garbage most of the time, the last few times at Eucharistic adoration I have not been able to focus at all (that was never a problem before), spiritually I feel like I’m just going through the motions. I am selfish and lack charity - which both seem to be getting worse. Since our diocese is without a Bishop who would I ask at the diocese? My family is very ell known in the diocese and it would be devistating for them to know my problems, I also don’t see my parish priest for any of this either (too close to him), I go to another parish for confession to stay annonymous, I’m afraid if I call the diocese about this it will get back to my family (the family I was born into), and my relations with them are very strained. I’m just not sure what to do or where to go for help.
If there is no Bishop, see the Chancellor. If no Chancellor, see the auxiliary bishop. If no auxiliary bishop see the pastor or parochial administrator of the Cathedral for your diocese. Most diocese have an official exorcist. He is usually a local parish priest with the gift. Good luck. I will say though, that if you really believe you need an exorcism, you probably are in fine shape.
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