How Does One Love Jesus?

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I Know Jesus has been there for me all these years, He has done so many things for me.I have no doubt in his existence, yet how does one truly love him, like we love our family and friends I have been a catholic all my life over fifty years now, but I am missing a great deal. Please can someone give me advice on this matter.:confused:
We love Jesus by giving our life to him, by serving him in others we me. We love Jesus when we share in his sufferings by sharing our sufferings. We love Jesus when we recieve him reverently in the Eucharist. We love Jesus when we devote our whole body, mind and soul to him. We love Jesus when we listen to him.
I Know Jesus has been there for me all these years, He has done so many things for me.I have no doubt in his existence, yet how does one truly love him, like we love our family and friends I have been a catholic all my life over fifty years now, but I am missing a great deal. Please can someone give me advice on this matter.:confused:
Love is an action. We love Jesus when we submit to him. We love him when we witness to his love with our actions toward others. We love him when we strive to do his will rather than our own.

It’s nice when feelings accompany it, but they don’t have to. I loved my kids when I cleaned them up after throwing up all over the place. Gushy feelings didn’t go along with that but it was love nonetheless. Just remember that love is first and formost an ACTION!!

  1. Rec. Him in the Sacrament of the Altar
  2. Keep loving your family and friends…then add in your enemies!
  3. Obey Him.
  4. Spend time with Him…pray, read Scripture, esp. the Gospels, read other lectio divino, meditate on a Crucifix or favorite picture of Him.
  5. Know that to want to love Him, to desire to love Him, to ask,“how does one truly love him…?” is very pleasing to Him, and what is then lacking in your love, He will Himself make up in you. Indeed, to ask the question is to love Him. May Christ hold you close within His Most Sarcred Heart.**
If you don’t already…begin by loving yourself. Realize that, whether you are aware of it or not, that your soul is always aching to be in union with the divine. Nourish your soul. Learn about contemplative prayer and receive the sacraments regularly. I think if you can tap into your own soul…you will discover the joy of loving Jesus.
If you don’t already…begin by loving yourself. Realize that, whether you are aware of it or not, that your soul is always aching to be in union with the divine. Nourish your soul. Learn about contemplative prayer and receive the sacraments regularly. I think if you can tap into your own soul…you will discover the joy of loving Jesus.
Peace be with you DVIN CKS,

Ah, I see you appear to be reading Thomas Keating’s “Intimacy with God”? Love does the Law as St. Paul instructs.

Peace, Love and Blessings,
Thank you everyone for your response, I do receive the Eucharist every week, and do all I can to be an obedient servant to our Lord
But perhaps Iwas looking in the wrong direction.looking for a more physical type as we do on this earth with those we love.
That is my take on this because we do not see, but yet we can feel his presence and so on. Yes, I have thought of the Blessed Mother and consecrating myself to her.
Thank you all for your help. I will keep praying everyday as always.God Bless:)
just my own personal way of seeing things…

I think when your lips utter the word “love,” they simultaneously refer to God.

Now “Romie,” you’re welcome to go as deep with this as you wish:

How can you obey God without knowing God?

How can you know God?
God is love.
Thank you everyone for your response, I do receive the Eucharist every week, and do all I can to be an obedient servant to our Lord
But perhaps Iwas looking in the wrong direction.looking for a more physical type as we do on this earth with those we love.
That is my take on this because we do not see, but yet we can feel his presence and so on. Yes, I have thought of the Blessed Mother and consecrating myself to her.
Thank you all for your help. I will keep praying everyday as always.God Bless:)
Hi Romie,
It is so sad that not one post could help you in what you asked. If you want to feel Jesus in your life so your love can grow, just pray for the Holy Spirit. Jesus understated when He called Him the comforter, but He is every bit of that. You can and will have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit and Christ will come alive for you. You can feel physically, not constantly , the Holy Spirit, when He moves. You know He is there. He makes you think of Jesus, songs about Jesus spring unwanted out of your heart. Do you believe that the Spirit that parted the Red Sea is able to physically touch you. YES HE CAN. I didn’t know I was alive until He played me like a piano. He knows every button in your body and can cause the most exquisite feelings. And of course the opposite. Like KIng Saul with the sound in his ear that went away when David played. I was drunk one night and He visited me and I have not touched a drop of alcohol since. I just felt so so so guilty. Yes Romie, pray for the moving of the Holy Spirit. Tell Jesus you want to love Him more. I am not catholic and I do not believe in praying to the saints in heaven. My growing faith and grace came to me without these extra adjuncts. If nothing happens for you , I suggest you go back to basics. Your love can become more than words in a book.
Christ be with you
walk in love
I Know Jesus has been there for me all these years, He has done so many things for me.I have no doubt in his existence, yet how does one truly love him, like we love our family and friends I have been a catholic all my life over fifty years now, but I am missing a great deal. Please can someone give me advice on this matter.:confused:
Same way you come to love anyone… spend time with Him… Read the Word of God, and spend time in your parish chapel with the Blessed Sacrament. I have had some pretty amazing experiences by just being in His presence in adoration. Start small, and slowly work your way up… Any time you can give directly to Him will aid your relationship with Him.

In Christ, with Mary,
Get to know Jesus. Read the Bible regularly, especially Gospels. Watch the movie, The Passion of the Christ.

Spend some regular quality time alone with Jesus. Talk to him and try to listen to him. If possible, do this at church with him in the Blessed Sacrament.

Do something for Jesus to show him your love. Watch the movie, Therese, and follow her example of doing little things with great love for Jesus. Jesus said, “Then the King will say to those at his right hand, Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?’ And the King will answer them, `Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’” (Matt 25:34-40)
Romie, I also have had trouble with that. Many years ago, someone told me that it was easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking than to think yourself into a new way of acting. I tried it and it works! Worked with Habitat for Humanity, St. Vincent de Paul Society, et. al., and underwent a major spiritual transformation as a result. Matthew 25, beginning at verse 31, as well as many other places in the bible, tells us what we should do, as someone else pointed out in an earlier post. Our love for Jesus is manifest in our love for our fellow man. The spiritual side is also important but, in my humble opinion, once you have been touched by the Holy Spirit to do these things for others, the outpouring of God’s grace and love is almost overwhelming. Remember, He cannot be outdone in love or generosity.

God’s peace and love be with you always.
I Know Jesus has been there for me all these years, He has done so many things for me.I have no doubt in his existence, yet how does one truly love him, like we love our family and friends I have been a catholic all my life over fifty years now, but I am missing a great deal. Please can someone give me advice on this matter.:confused:
this comes obviously from a person who is living to the best of their ability as a faithful catholic and yet finds the “feeling” missing, doesn’t it?
i remember a prayer we used to recite in school as kids. i found real meaning in it only when i passed through the same doubt as you are. the prayer had a phrase- lord, teach me to love you.
whenever you doubt that you love god, say this out aloud to yourself. doesn’t the bible show us people sayig to jesus- lord increase our faith; lord i do believe, help my unbelief?

you’ll find that often, our love for god does not come with the feeling we attach to more earthly things. loving god is often hard work. c.s. lewis wrote in screwtape letters that god does not tempt us to virtue as the devil does to sin. i don’t mean that all our feelings are bad or our love for family is sinful. i just mean that god does not always give us the luxury of “feeling” love for him- that would just “tempt”(actually , that’s not the appropriate word) us to love him. he wants our love for him to be a conscious and free effort.
when we are faced with the doubt or dryness, quite often, we must go on doing the will of god in the dryness for some time before god gives us the consolation of “feeling” something.

don’t tell jesus that you want consolation in prayer. if he givves it to you, thank him. tell him always that you want perseverence.- 100, the way, St. Josemaria Escriva
Romie, you say Jesus has been there for you all these years. How have you responded to him? Yes you ARE missing a great deal. Your soul is missing its Bridegroom. Long for him, desire him and wait for him. Start with offering yourself to him daily. The True Devotion to Mary according to St Louis de Monfort is an excellent way to get close to him, because Mary leads you and it is a surer, safer path. But don’t rush it; you may have to fall in love first. Just be earnest in your daily offerings.
John 15:8-10 By this is my Father gloriefied that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father loves me so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.

Matthew 25:31-46 the judgement of the nations
cf 40 whatever you did for one of these, the least of my brothers, you did for me
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