This is sort of a tough one bec I have always been for “going back” to the good ole 60s when abortion was illegal. But it wasn’t entirely illegal. A woman could come before a board and claim she needed an abortion for some dire reason, and the board could decide to let her have an abortion. At least I think that was how it was.
I’m not sure if the woman was put in prison for having an illegal (non-approved) abortion, but I do know of several women who did have illegal abortions, one of them nearly bleeding to death (a friend of my roommate).
In other words there are problems in making abortion illegal and problems in keeping it legal – which I think had increased the rate of abortions, tho I’m not sure, since no one knows how many were getting illegal abortions back then. I know some were going to Mexico or other countries to have their abortion, as well as getting medical students and others to perform them locally.
So, yes, I am for making abortions illegal, simply because we need to give the message that it is killing a human being…even if the laws don’t help a whole lot.
As for global warming, that is another way we are killing people. However, it is a much more difficult problem to tackle, but we as a nation, the world, and we as individuals and families should be doing ALL we can to mitigate it. It is a sin that we are NOT.