I have a wonderful little book called ADVENT IN THE HOME (I think). It is filled with all kinds of easy to implement ideas to help your little ones really get the most from Advent. I have been ransacking my bookshelves today looking for it, for our own preperations. I’ll try to remember some things off the top of my head.
Plant a narcissus bulb in the beginning of Advent. Talk about how it needs to be in the dark in order for it to grow properly. How the time of darkness is necessary.
Discuss with the children how the Advent wreath helps us to learn about God. How it’s circular shape points us to God’s infiniteness, no beginning … no end. How the evergreens point to the unchangableness of God. How the flame of the candle reminds us that Jesus is the light. etc.
Have statues or cardboard cutouts of the 3 Kings. Move them closer to the creche every time a new Advent candle is lit, finally arriving on Christmas.
Have the children in the room and turn off the lights. Talk about how it feels to be in the dark. Spooky, cold, alone, etc. than light a candle or flip on the lights and talk about how different it feels to be in the light.
Have an empty cradle. Throughout Advent do secret acts of love for eachother. For every act, lay a piece of straw or hay in the cradle. By the time Christmas Eve rolls around, hopefully a nice bed will have been made to welcome Baby Jesus.
Make an Advent chain. You remember those cardboard circle chains from Kindergarten? Well, make one circle for each day of Advent, and on each one can be a scripture verse or an act of kindness, a prayer intention etc. Helps the younger kids get a grasp on how many days left until Jesus’ birthday along with the traditional Advent calender…
There are also prayers for each day, and prayers to really make special those events, such as the blessing of the tree, when you place the lights on the tree and so forth.
I am still looking for the book, but that’s all I can remember off the top of my head. I really liked this book because it is geared toward bringing Advent home for younger children. Many of the ideas in this book have become beloved traditions in my family.
God bless you and your family this Advent season.