the only thing DH and I do together is play bridge with other couples, go to a movie about once a year, and swim each evening.
with our family we play euchre, hearts, crazy 8 and other boxed card games like uno etc., board games, and made-up games like treasure hunts and wide games. the games are no fun unless there is some type of gambling, some kind of prize, or some kind of penalty for the losers, and they must be played in teams, and should involve, even with board games, some kind of physical activity or challenge as well. you should see our monopoly and risk games, which happen all over the house and yard, not just on the board. We also have “Ohio rules” for many games with variations to make them more interesting.
the family activity that is beginning to chew up a lot of time when we visit grandkids is attending their various sports practices and games. 7 kids, 7 sports, 7 teams, in 7 locations at any one time in the summer.
another ritual for our summer visit is to join DD and grandkids at girl scout day camp for a week, since I am still registered as a volunteer in that council. They guys just golf when they get a chance. Another thing that has become a ritual when we get together at home or on family vacations and reunions is minor league baseball games, we have seen about 20 teams so far in at least 8 different parks.