How doyou perceive God's sense of humor?

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Do you think God has a sense of humor? If so, how? I’ll give two examples from my life.

First example:
As a teenager, aspiring to be an actress, I used to pray to God and beg him to let me be on Broadway. Eventually, I lost my zeal for acting, and went on to be a musician, but for a living ended up working in a music pro shop. ON BROADWAY. (Yes, THE Broadway…) My customers were all pros working the shows on Broadway.Yup, He “Let me be on Broadway” alright!

Second Example:
As a teenager preparing for college, I had selected the university that I most desperately wanted to attend. They were (and still are) one of the hardest universities to be accepted to in the world. So I prayed and prayed and prayed that God would “Let me go to XYZ University”. As you can expect, I was not accepted. Fourteen years later, I found myself EMPLOYED by XYZ University. Still am. Yup, He “let me go to XYZ University” alright!

So you see, He answered my prayers. Just not the way I expected Him to. Tell me he wasn’t cracking up in heaven when I finally caught on to His answers!:rotfl:
Yes, He does have a sense of humor. Years ago, I prayed very hard to meet a great man and have a family. When I met my future husband, 6 children came with the package. Although it took a while for me to get it, I realized that He answered my prayers all at once. :o Of course, we eventually had a child of our own.

Story number two, I wanted another child and prayed very hard for it. Recently, I found out that my 18 year old stepdaughter is pregnant and will be living with us for a while trying to get on her feet. Now, we will be having a beautiful baby in the house. Actually, it’s even better because I don’t have the energy for a newborn but will get the perks. 😃

Beware what you pray for. No matter what, though, He truly knows what is best.
God Bless
:hmmm: After thinking about it a little, I don’t think that God has a sense of humor when it comes to me. That may be because I am a very serious and sensitive natured person, so He mat not try to reach me through humor, or I’m too serious to get it the joke. Usually when someone is trying to joke with me I don’t get it and I’m offended by it, so keep my distance from them.

Now that I’ve said that something will probably happen in a few days that I’ll have to report back on! 😛

Now does God have a sense of humor when it comes to others? Sure, I’ve always have found it odd that EWTN is smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt


**Becky **
Have you met anyone lately? There is God’s sense of humor
Not really.
you know he’s got to have a great one… who else would put the knees on backwards on a stork… try to imagine what a chair would look like if our knees bent in the opposite direction… 😃
Read the Gospel Story of The Man Born Blind…the temple officials try and try to explain away this miracle. Finally the officials who preach the love of God and neighbor throw this man physically out of the temple. Their conduct is so ridiculous that it is funny. There is humor in the word of God.
Deacon Tony560:
Read the Gospel Story of The Man Born Blind…the temple officials try and try to explain away this miracle. Finally the officials who preach the love of God and neighbor throw this man physically out of the temple. Their conduct is so ridiculous that it is funny. There is humor in the word of God.
That reminds me of another scripture passage which always makes me smile at Gods humor. Peter, the lovable goofup is always good for a little humor in how God uses it in scripture I think.

John 21:7 That disciple whom Jesus loved* said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his clothes, for he was stripped for work, and sprang into the sea.

I always think it is a gentle and amusing reminder that we should dress for the Lord when we come into His presence. Even though in reality, most people would not jump into the sea with their clothes on (quite the opposite in fact), Peter, who was stripped was prepared to jump into the sea as normal people would without their clothes to weigh them down. Yet Peter recognized the importance of dressing properly to meet the Lord.
“i dont want to start any blasphemous roumors…”

sorry, that song just popped into my head.

I belive god has a sense of humor, and a rather ironic one in many cases. conversly, i belive he can take a joke. so it works out.
Story number two, I wanted another child and prayed very hard for it. Recently, I found out that my 18 year old stepdaughter is pregnant and will be living with us for a while trying to get on her feet. Now, we will be having a beautiful baby in the house. Actually, it’s even better because I don’t have the energy for a newborn but will get the perks. 😃

Beware what you pray for. No matter what, though, He truly knows what is best.
God Bless
And grandchildren are so much nicer than children - You get the spoil them (let the parents do the hard stuff (punishing, etc.))

God’s sense of humor? - Hey, look at the platypus - of course he has one.

John (A “responsible” grandparent of 5)
yes, I do. I can’t think of anything in my life but this was told to me recently. A young girl prayed to Our Lady for a husband but not just any man. He had to be 1) The most handsome 2) rich so she could give his money to the poor, 3) Their home was to overlook the ocean. Time went by but no man that fit that description. Gradually she realized God was calling her to religious life! Well, #1 and #2 were fulfilled. Our Lord is the most handsomest and richest man! The motherhouse that she was sent to was in Italy in a house overlooking the ocean!!! Heee…Even Our Lady has a sense of humor. 👍
I hear God’s laughter every time I sugest an object is more important than His will. That, That is more important. Ha ha ha…

I have learned to say “Only kidding Lord only kidding.’”

If you listen to the Lord’s laughter you will have a wonderful life.
Do you think God has a sense of humor? If so, how? I’ll give two examples from my life.

First example:
So you see, He answered my prayers. Just not the way I expected Him to. Tell me he wasn’t cracking up in heaven when I finally caught on to His answers!:rotfl:
Of course He has a sense of humor, He created us!
{QUOTE]Even Our Lady has a sense of humor.
Oh does she ever not long ago I was in a accident (I was hit by a car as I was walking to work) my leg was broken (ThankGod that was all that was wrong with me) well anyways sometiem later I had to have a metal rod put in to speed up the healing and the night before I was praying over to Our Lord and Lady and over and after a point it was like “OK we hear you stop worrying everythings going be fine” calmed me right down 😃
Did you ever see an albatross fly–they’re magnificent–
but the landings :eek:
(they really need a nose wheel)
Becky said:
Now that I’ve said that something will probably happen in a few days that I’ll have to report back on! 😛

As predicted I do have a story to report now 😛

I went to a Sunday School class at a local Presby church. The class is about the distinctives of the Reformed faith. The topic? We studied Calvin’s predestination. Anyway, I was planning on going to a traditional Lutheran service afterwards.

I had plenty of time to get to the Lutheran service so I drive around for awhile getting the service times and street addresses for various local churches. I see that I have ten minutes so I go to the church, look at the bulletin, and realize that I went to the wrong church! I wasn’t too happy since this was a “Contemperary service”. There are two Lutheran churches on this street and I got them mixed up.

What did the Lutheran minister tell us, “that God has us at the service for a reason, and that He was the One who brought us to the service” ROFLOL!!!

To recap: I go to a Presby SS and get a lesson on Calvin’s view of predestination, and I plan on going to a traditional Lutheran service. I get the addresses of the Luteran churches mixed up, and I ended up going to a contemp. service where the minister says that God was the one who brought me there. LOL

I knew the second I hit the submit button for my above post that God would play a joke one me! So, yes, He does have a sense of humor.

Becky 😛
At times, I consider God up there seeing us all as two-year olds with dirty diapers on, the only difference between any of us is how dirty, and whether the diapers are inside out or not.

This image helps me deal with trying people at times.

Just my :whacky:
I totally think God has a sense of humor and a good one. I don’t have any cool stories about it or anything. But laughter is such a gift, and it’s even healthy! I can’t imagine that Jesus didn’t joke and laugh, maybe even during some of His sermons.
The most recent show of God’s humor was with a close friend of mine who I consider will be a great saint someday. This friend does EVERYTHING with God in mind and she has instilled this attititude onto her family. They are poor materially but overflowing in riches of spirtuallity and love for God. I have witnessed many miracles through her family and have heard so many wonderful stories of faith. The following happened two weeks ago, when she started to tell me about it she said, “God is so funny, guess what he did.”

It was their 20th wedding anniversary and my friend was getting ready to go to work. She had been thinking of when they were first married and how her husband used to bring her roses. Now with five boys and not much money, they don’t spend money on such things, but she still wanted a rose. She began to speak with the Lord as she was getting ready for work and let Him know how she missed getting roses. She kept telling him, “O Lord, how I wish for just one rose today, I would be so happy.”

As she was walking along the sidewalk to open the store where she worked, she saw a beautiful little boy about 6 yrs.old walking towards her. She smiled at him and said, “Well hello, how are you?” The little boy smiled at her with his face beaming and he had his hand behind his back. He brings his hand forward and with much joy shoves a dandelion straight up towards her and says, “A ROSE for you Miss!” With tears and joy she accepts her “rose” and treasures it with all her heart. She has it placed in a small rosary case as a gift from God.
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