How friars make money

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I know monasteries have their own businesses, but what about Franciscan friars for example? And other mendicant orders?
Do they have normal jobs or donations or how?
I’ve watched too much Breaking Bad because that brother reminds me of Walter White.

@tomo_pomo I know there is a beer in Germany called Franziskaner, so some friars brew; but traditionally they live off donations, I think.
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Most friars receive a salary (which goes to the Order). They hold a position at a parish, school, the local diocese, etc.

Other friars are retired. They may or may not get Social Security. The community may receive help from the Retirement Fund for Religious.

Some friars work directly for the Order itself. They, and seminarians, get help from donations to the Order.

BTW, what other orders have friars besides Francis and, Dominicans, and Carmelites?
I just saw this thread.

Commenter gave a good answer.

We have church Pastors within various dioceses, and they are provided the same salary as a diocesan priest by the diocese. College professors. Chaplains at schools, hospitals, prisons as was mentioned…but we also have friars who are social workers and receive the same salary as any other social worker. Some teach at seminaries, some as mentioned, work inside the order, which usually includes things like formation ministry, management/ administration at province level or international level, we have our own senior care facility for friars, which is run by friars, there are nurses, canon lawyers, civil lawyers. Full-time or part-time preaching ministry, leading retreats, spiritual direction. And probably more I’m not thinking of. Most friars wear multiple hats. Friars work and exist in the world, but are not of the world.

But as a mendicant order, seeking donations is a major part of their history and continues to be part of how we manage our finances. So meeting benefactors, holding fundraising events and dinners, and just asking for donations is also part of the life of a friar.
BTW, what other orders have friars besides Francis and, Dominicans, and Carmelites?
The Augustinians are the other of the big four mendicant (friar) orders. I believe Servite Friars are just as old as the big four, but there are also Minims, Trinitarians, and a couple others I’m not too familiar with.
(make money) what about Franciscan friars and other mendicant orders?
Love the comprehensive answers above by @PapyrusDouay

My 2 cents: it depends on the vow of poverty, the Rule, the ministries they carry out, and many other things. But everyone needs to eat of course, and everyone needs to work (not necessarily as in having a job). Communities have many ways, not excluding begging for alms, or should I say God has many ways to provide for those who trust them entirely on this matter?
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Some friars can have jobs, and they can even take time off with a proper dispensation.

It might be worth noting not all friars are Priests, as that may have some bearing on the answer.

I have a good friend who is a TOR friar, and he has has jobs while in community, and even taken time off to hold jobs outside community.

I guess some Franciscan Priest could teach, consult, etc., so it’s possible; but, usually, the Priests seem more apt to be doing their Priestly work.

Other orders may have much different policies, and the Archdiocese definitely has different policies. In the first case, you’ll find a lot of Jesuits hold jobs (again, largely in teaching, counseling, writing, etc); but the Priests through the Archdiocese get a salary for work they do, and I think they are allowed to pick up jobs too, since they live “in the world” and are not so dependent on the community as someone in an order.
Oh also… there are several friaries near where I live that are also selling solar electricity and renting out land…

The “green initiative” gets criticized by some, but the brothers have a 10MW solar system on their land, which they use to load and sell electricity onto the power grid. They have about 250 acres too, which they rent out in part to the Smithsonian, and some local farmers. These also help defray their costs of living and maintaining the friary, etc…
The Vatican doesn’t pay anyone, other than their own employees. Friars and other religious are responsible for the own support, which may be supplemented by donations. Retired religious (in the US) can receive social security and medicare. But they do not receive “church welfare.”
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