How has God answered your prayers?

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Thought it would be so neat to start a thread and discussing all the many ways God has answered our many prayers. Isn’t it awesome?

I think so. As a new convert, I prayed and still do, so much for my husband ( no religion so far) …and children, in a Christian, (not Catholic) school, that they’d meet a Catholic friend. Lo and behold, my teen came home recently and informed me "so and so is a Catholic, and has a gigantic silver St. Christoper which is so cool, and he’s been confirmed, etc. etc.). And then yesterday one of my younger boys comes home declaring his little friend is a Catholic. Praise God.

Let’s keep each other in our prayers, O.K.? What can I pray for somebody for?
God has answered my prayers in so many ways, it’s hard to think of just a few that are especially significant. I guess one would be when I was in high school I felt I needed a positive relationship with a man as a father figure or something like it. I kept praying that God would send someone into my life. Well, He sent me someone I never would have expected in the form of a teacher I had. At first, I ruled out this teacher as a possibility, but I started to really want to get to know him. I had prayed to God that I wanted the person I was asking for to be a Catholic so I could discuss faith issues with him as well. Well, about a week later, I sat behind a man in church. It was that teacher. Now, years later, we still keep in touch, and my relationship with him has brought me to a better understanding of God’s love. God is great!
Within the past years, my parents went through a really rough time in their marriage. There were many factors involved that I won’t list, but it was very horrible. I had just moved home from being on my own for 5 years, so it was very hard for me to witness. I prayed every night and the most earnest prayers I could think of. I prayed for strength and resolution. Gradually, things got better and I know I was only able to get through it with the help of the Lord. Then after it was mostly over, the Lord brought a very special Christian man into my life and it has all been uphill from there. I know there will be rough times, but I know the Lord is with me and I will not be anxious but with prayer and petition, present my requests to the Lord and the peace which transcends all understand will lift my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Amen. 😉
I can’t say that there is any one specific prayer of mine that God has answered. His answers have been kinda different. It has been smaller things that I have seen. A calming of my soul, a more cheerful temperament. I have struggled with mental illness since the age of 7, and I’m now 42. For most of those years, I didn’t get help. The problems were brushed aside. Besides, I didn’t really know HOW to ask for help.

Well, I’ve finally gotten it. And I’ve entered the church, a real homecoming for me after all the years of searching. So, yes God has answered prayer. But it was more the prayer of my heart when my soul prayed for what I didn’t know how, or what, to pray for.
“I give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His Mercy endures forever”… I will speak of one of the many, many answers… though sometimes He has said no.

One of my grandchildren had been diagnosed w/ a life threatening chronic disease a few years ago… Got all the 2nd and 3rd opinions…tried all kinds of medicine…no hope.
We asked St. Josemaria Escriva’s intercession and multitudes were praying also… Then all of a sudden on a monthly visit things changed drastically for the good…the doctors were amazed…this was 2 years ago and there is no sign of the disease…and the doctors cannot explain it!
Thank You Lord God Almighty!
(some profound conversions in faith happened as a result)
years ago i was on a mission trip. i didn’t have an alarm clock with me, so i prayed that God (Who, i reminded Him, DID after all create the universe, and so He should have any difficulty with it) would wake me up in the morning. He did. right on time. i reminded Him the next night, and the next.

the week ended, and i came home from the mission trip. i started to set my alarm. but i sensed God speaking to me (in my mind, or heart, or whatever - not an audible voice) and saying ‘what? I can’t wake you up anymore?’ and i said ‘but You don’t have to - i have an alarm now’ and God said ‘trust Me.’

so i did.

that was in 1990. i haven’t used an alarm since then. every morning, right on time, God wakes me up. there have been times when He wakes me up a little later than i think i should be up, and then shows me He knows what He’s doing by everything working out and my being where i need to be on time.

God is good.

(ps - i don’t recommend just ‘doing this’. i’ve had friends try it, and oversleeping. if God sees fit, He might do it in your life. but maybe not. God works differently with all of us.)
I met with my junior high catechists (2 people for 100 kids) two weeks ago on Thursday, and we prayed to the Holy Spirit to send people to teach the faith to these children. First night of CCD was Tuesday, we have 120 kids, 4 teachers for 7th grade plus two HS aides, 5 teachers for 8th grade plus 2 HS aides, and parents for security and hospitality. At 4:00 Wednesday afternoon I spoke to and called everyone I know to ask for prayers to the Holy Spirit since I had only one catechist signed up to teach 2nd year confirmation. At 6:30 that evening, one half hour before CCD was due to begin, another adult, plus 13 students confirmed in the last two years walked in prepared to teach this class of 78 candidates, and serve as aides for Confirmation I class. If the Holy Spirit sent teens to teach other teens, then that’s who is going to be teaching, under the guidance of the adult master catechists. Thank you, Holy Spirit. He also sent us a great youth group moderator, choir director, and 8 adults for security detail for Wednesday CCD.
So many times my prayers have been answered in very big ways and in many small ways, I would probably fill pages but am most thankful that God answered my mothers prayers and brought me back to the church.
As with most, there are many ways my prayers have been answered. But I think this is actually the funniest. I really don’t concider myself a leader. I have always volunteered in the churchs we belonged to. And my children have been involved in Vacation Bible School. Well, one year after a retreat that I had been on, the secretary came to me, and asked me to head up VBS, because no one had stepped forward. I said I would but prayed to God that it was his mission for the children and he would have to lead me. At times I would wonder if I was doing things right, but then a prayer would be answered, and I knew. Well as with anything there were problems that would come up and my usual response would be we’ll pray about it. They were always answered. The one that is the funniest though, is that the usual music leader was unable to do it that year (this is a major section of VBS), and the other volunteers were beginning to panic a little. So I said just stay calm and lets pray about it, and that next week we had 4 very qualified people who called to lead the music. Finally the lady that was my co-leader called me and asked me to stop praying so that they would stop calling her. It was a year where everyone involved could feel the spirit move not only among the children but among the teen and adult volunteers as well. God is Good
I prayed for years that God would take away my addiction to alcohol to no avail until…about 9 months ago, after other martial and family issues weighed down on me, I begged the Lord to take me from this world. I was ready to die. I had given up on life. The only thing that kept me going was my dd. So I prayed and prayed and prayed. I not only prayed, but started living my life in a more Catholic Christian way. After ridding the demons from my life, things are drastically different and by the grace of God we are expecting a child in late April. I pray daily instead of drinking daily and don’t miss a single day of drinking. What a change in my life for the better. As one of my Southern Baptist’s friends has said, “I have been delivered”. Having “faith” has changed my life forever. God is AWESOME!😃
God answers all our prayers. Sometimes the answer is not what we want but it is the answer. Before our 1st daughter died I prayed harder than I have ever prayed before or since that God let her live and thought he did not answer my prayers. Our priest wisely pointed out that my prayers were in fact answered, it was just that she was also God’s daughter before she was mine and He wanted her more than I did. Even though she lived only a short time, her life and death was the begining of my conversion to Catholicism. Her purpose on earth was fulfilled. We must be open to all of God’s options because He knows what is best for us. 👍
Praise God! Just look at how God is clearly at work in all our lives! It is soooooo exciting!!!

Puppylove: Hug–hug–I know how difficult this struggle can be–but Praise and Glory be to yours and my Savior—you’ve overcome this addiction!~

Let’s all be mindful of all our blessings TODAY.

God has continued to answer so many of my prayers lately and has really calmed my heart. I am a new convert, in RCIA, and have literally had the “snake at my door” with my huge Fundamentalist family, since I’ve entered into this process. But God has shown me that he’s chosen ME --to become a Catholic----to share the news that there is a Church, and it’s HIS One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and that is so exciting. He is using Me, who would have thought?

Keep the Faith Brothers and Sisters~~ Luv Ya
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