How important are formal prayers?

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I am having great difficulty with this, because of what I’ve been through in my journey back to the Church.

I thank God for my blessings, pray for others, but I just can’t bring myself to say the formal prayers (Rosary, chaplets, novenas)anymore. I haven’t been to Mass since March, because the thought of going anywhere near a church makes me frightened and queasy. I don’t want to be hurt again. That’s why I left in the first place. But God is pulling me to return.

I feel like maybe the reason God has thrown all these blocks in my path in returning to the Church after years away (I have other posts here on this subject) is because maybe I’m too selfish with prayers…“all about me”, “help me” kind of stuff. Maybe that’s why the novenas go unanswered.

Opinions, no flames, please?

God listens to all prayers…the prayers from your heart I would say are most pleasing…
There have been times when I needed formal prayers…when I had a hard time thinking through tears and misery.
I would try not to dwell on whether or not your novenas, etc. are answered. They are. You just have to be patient… Try to focus on His will for you and these other things will not be as important. I hope this helps…
I feel like maybe the reason God has thrown all these blocks in my path in returning to the Church after years away (I have other posts here on this subject) is because maybe I’m too selfish with prayers…“all about me”, “help me” kind of stuff. Maybe that’s why the novenas go unanswered.

I think from Jesus’ point of view it is all about you. We have to pray from where we are and sometimes we’re stuck in pain.
the thought of going anywhere near a church makes me frightened and queasy. I don’t want to be hurt again
You may also be under spiritual attack.
I feel like maybe the reason God has thrown all these blocks in my path in returning to the Church after years away (I have other posts here on this subject) is because maybe I’m too selfish with prayers…“all about me”, “help me” kind of stuff. Maybe that’s why the novenas go unanswered.
I think from Jesus’ point of view, it is all about you. We have to pray from where we are and you sound like you are stuck in pain. Whatever prayer you can manage will be heard. In my opinion, it’s the praying that is important. Don’t stop!
I haven’t been to Mass since March, because the thought of going anywhere near a church makes me frightened and queasy. I don’t want to be hurt again. That’s why I left in the first place. But God is pulling me to return.
Sounds like a spiritual battle in high places. Is the Sacrament of Reconciliation possible for you? It would definitely weaken Satan’s hand, and may dispel the queasies. If you can’t just now, can you bring yourself to sit before the Blessed Sacrament and make that your prayer?
Hello! A few semi-random thoughts for you to consider. In no particular order: The prayers you mention (Rosary etc.) are personal devotions and are distinct from liturgical prayer such as the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It may be that your reluctance to visit a church has to do with questions about whether something you’ve done or are doing is a sin–can you talk to a priest about your questions? I guess you’d have to approach a church to do that, but you’d be approaching for a talk anyway! 🙂 I don’t know why you are reluctant to visit a church. As for the subjects of prayers, there are many things to offer intercessory prayer for: the holy souls in purgatory, the restoration of the Church, the lukewarm, those in mortal sin, and for the conversion of others. Each day I offer any indulgences I may have gained that day to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for her to dispose of as she knows best, as the Queen of Heaven. She can then direct the prayers to where they will do the most good! I strongly recommend, incidentally, that you try to visit traditional parishes: there, your concentration will be on the sacrificial worship that Holy Mother Church permits us to partake of. The modernist parishes are confusions of crossed purposes and agendas and it is easy to be distracted there.
I am sorry you were hurt, and hope you are following the path toward healing, including sacraments. Don’t go back to the church where they hurt you if it is too hard, but try to find another parish where you feel at home, or a chapel where you can just visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and let him prepare you to return to Mass. The only formal prayer he gave us is the Our Father. None of the other devotions including rosaries, divine mercy, novenas, litanies are required. They are helpful to many of us, especially when we cannot find words of our own to pray in. Pick up a bible and browse through the Psalms, you will surely find one that speaks about what is going on in your heart. Pray with that when you need a written prayer. God loves you and wants to heal you. If you were hurt in a grave way by someone who is in a position to hurt other people, it is your duty to report it to responsible parties, including law enforcement if it involved a crime on someone’s part. Pray to God for the strength to do this. We are all praying for you.
I usually get flamed on this quote, but here goes anyway.

Matthew 6
5] "And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.
6] But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
7] "And in praying do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their many words.
8] Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him

Some people just don’t like to face the truth.
I just wanted to add that another reason to re-join the Church (if I may put it that way?) is that God needs you! He wants to work through us and through our prayers. Joining the Church Militant with your prayers will help others and not just yourself.

Also, throughout the Church’s history there has been private prayer and liturgical prayer. Both are needed! 🙂
Thank you for all your replies.

I guess I can still say the Lord’s Prayer. And I can ask for intercession by the saints for others…but I really am beginning to think that God just doesn’t want me.

It just seems that when I have prayed for something *I *want or something for myself, I get punished. I wanted so badly to rejoin the Church, and got a no-contact letter from my pastor because of his issues. I prayed, I went to Mass, I did everything “right”. And I’ve been hurt so many times by people in the clergy that I am afraid to keep trying.

I live in a rural area. There aren’t a lot of churches to choose from here. My 8 year old daughter is insisting on going to CCD this fall at our last church. I will have to pray with her, and for her, that my former pastor doesn’t hurt her, too.

Do I have to pray? Can I just have the occasional conversation with God? It seems like He doesn’t want to hear from me.
I have found that during those times when it is hard for me to pray, due to whatever difficulty or circumstance, if I persevere in prayer through praying a Rosary or Divine Mercy chaplet, it greatly affects my own mood and disposition. It might not change my circumstances; it might not provide the “answer” to prayer that I am looking for, but it changes me within and offers me peace that I wouldn’t otherwise find.

Don’t feel as though God isn’t answering your prayers; His answer just may be different from the one you have in mind.

Jesus told us to come to Him, all who are weary, and He will give us rest. I find this in prayer, whether it’s spontaneous prayer, just speaking to Him, praying formal prayers, or just being in His Holy Presence during Eucharistic Adoration.

I’ve had circumstances in the last four years where my health is not good and is not improving very quickly. At times when I am suffering and weary (again) I become discouraged. But I trust Our Lord. One day I was very down, and I was talking to Jesus, saying “I don’t understand this, Lord.” And I felt as if He was speaking to me, asking “Do you trust Me?” “Yes, Lord, I trust You. I don’t like how I’m feeling; I don’t understand why it’s happening, but I know Your ways are not our ways. Yes, I trust You.”

Lay your burdens at His feet; place all your trust in Our Lord Jesus; He may not change the circumstances around you, but He can change you from within and your outlook on those circumstances.

You’re in my prayers! Didi
But one of the things I prayed so fervently about was returning home to the Church.

Does that mean God doesn’t want me to be Catholic?
Dearest Therese

My heart is with you, this is difficult, if you can try looking at and reading if not all, some of the Book of Job, it’s in the Old Testament and because of this it is a bit hard going to read, but it is clear what is happening to Job and he can’t understand why when he loves God he is tormented so much, he feels as though he is being punished, but he isn’t his faith has been tested in fire, because he was left to feel alone without the help of God, but Job persevered. I think this is what God asks from us, to persevere and trust Him when all signs and events seem to be stacked against us.

Here is a page from a little book which you can find in most Catholic stores, the book is ‘I am with you’ and it is words of Divine inspiration for everyone as given to Fr John Woolley during his prayer times…

'It would be wrong to pretend that maintaining faith in Me will always be easy.There is a temptation to see earth’s calamities and misfortunes as pointing to a universe without soul.

Whenever you are forced to conclude, even momentarily, that you are alone in a materialistic creation, then evil has secured what is always its greatest ambition.

The one crucial division in this world is not between fortune and misfortune, but between life based on Me and shared with Me – and life divorced from Me, leading to oblivion.

When events seem to point away from Me and lead you into doubt, that is the *very moment *to summon all your strength and to tell Me that, in spite of all, I am with you and can never fail you.

You cannot know the *power *of such a trusting word – spoken to Me in circumstances which cause you to doubt!

**Whoever believes in Me will live! **(John 11.25)

Persevere in prayer and all things. God Bless you and much love and peace to you xxxx

I used to pray when it was all about ‘me’. Looking back I couldn’t believe how selfish I was! I got cancer and it woke me up to how really selfish I had been. and I decided to change my prayers so they would be all about other people. My family, other cancer sufferers, The Pope…the President…my friends and I left myself a little time at the end for me. This is part of ‘loving your neighbor as yourself’. It can start with prayer.

Its made a HUGE difference. No, not every prayer gets answered the way I would like but I am so much better able to deal with it. 👍

And God and the Blessed Mother will note and take into consideration how much you wish to return to the church…and how hard it is for you. I think if you are obedient and return you will be blessed…maybe not right away but it will happen.

dream wanderer
Therese, you asked if you can just have a conversation with God - absolutely - this is the prayer of your own heart! May I suggest that you pray the prayer that is always pleasing to Him - Your will be done. His will is always for your benefit, even if you cannot understand what is happening right now.

Your situation reminds me of the story of the woman who asked Jesus for a miracle, and He told her that it is not right to give the children’s food to the dogs, effectively calling her a dog! But she, filled with faith, reminded Him that even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the table, and He ended up praising her faith and giving her what she wanted. He knew her faith and wanted her to exercise it, and He knows your faith, too. He loved her, and He loves you and wants you in the Church.

Just keep praying and trusting - Your will be done…Your will be done! When the time is right, you will receive what He wants to give you, and it will be wonderful.

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God”. The kingdom lies within you. Go to mass somewhere. Even if you have to drive an hour or more each way, you must get to mass. You need the grace of the sacraments to help you through this time of trouble. May I recommend reconciliation at a parish not familiar to you. That is to say, one where you are not known. Secondly, you need Eucharist. When you invite Christ into you, in the Eucharist, you begin to see with his eyes. Try to find the words to pray for those that hurt you. The grace you will receive from this alone is remarkable. Use your words. Not rote prayer. Do not be discouraged. I will pray for you, too.

Scott :angel1:
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