How is Isolation affecting your marriage?

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As the title states, I’m curious how quarantine and self-isolation is affecting couples. Whether this is something positive or rather negative.

When it started I was saying this will create either a baby-boom or a divorce boom.
What do you think?
  • Making you grow closer
  • Giving you more time to work through some of your issues
  • Builds up frustration or anger
  • There was already a lot of distancing
  • Making life extremely lonely
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None of the above? We’ve had plenty of stressors, but not isolation. I think we’ve mostly been truckin’ along, generally very happy.
I agree. None of the choices are truly positive ones.

The first two suggest there are already problems, the rest sound like they are now problems.
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It will definitely create a baby boom, unless someone has poisoned the water.

It might contribute to a rise in divorce.

Aaaaaand, It might inspire some people to marry because this disease detention debacle has underscored how little actual control they exert over permanency in their lives through their own efforts. If their thoughts have wandered to the fragility of life, they may decide to cling to each other through marriage during whatever time they have left.
Some days seem better than others here…I think we’re both learning how to get past each oral confrontation or disagreement that occurs more quickly than before, so that’s a plus. I’m very grateful to God that there are places in the house or yard I can “escape” to when tensions rise, but I can’t imagine how couples are managing if they live in small apartments. There seem to be more opportunities and difficulties to “offer up,” so that’s also a plus.
My wife and I have always gotten along well and very much enjoy each others company. There is not another person in the world I’d rather be isolated with.
None of the above.

Husband and I both worked from home already. Our routine has not changed, really. Except work went crazy-busy for me, so I’m working longer hours.
Mts. Glennon is laid off from her job so she’s pretty much isolated at home. She has been so loving, so supportive, praying up a storm for me and all those I work with and serve (health care related occupation). I cannot fathom how I would be doing without her right now!
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None of the above. We’ve always enjoyed each other’s company, always considered each other our best friends, and always feel we never have enough time together.
It hasn’t really. My wife is still working as she’s a carer. I’m teaching from home. I normally have three months off in summer anyway so it’s not much different to that.
I’ve found some stuff to do in the car, and around the house, and we might be moving apartment so that’s keeping us busy too.
I was already working from home one day a week, ramped up to two and then slid in to every day as the University saw this coming as a solution.
My husband works in the manufacturing sector and not much can be done from home. I think he did it about two weeks. My favorite line during that time: “This is much harder than it sounds!”
He has never since referred to my wfh as my “day off.”
As we spend more time together I have tried to see what irritating habits I have that I can curb 🙂
Wife now works from home and couldn’t be happier than to have my buddy with me all day. Kids already homeschooled, sex is way way up.
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