I am afraid that your example fails to answer my question. God is is full of mercy for his children. Would you do what you claim that God is doing with us? We being human, take care of orphans and those needed support for their parents fault and you are saying that God which is love wouldn’t do that!?
That was what you said that a person become a member of God family once he/she is baptised.
It is true. I have practice many religions and they are all full of wrong promises being completely different each claim that that religion is the only door to salvation! Have you tried to practice other religion or at least read the content of holy books to see what they say. Do X and you will be forgiven, do Y for the sake Z, etc…
Nah. As long as you can not as long as you choose to. The dilemma in story of Adam and Eve is that they had to stay sinless forever having temptation of Satan present. Does that logically make sense. Would you do that with your children, asking them to don’t perform X allowing a person constantly seducing them??
The relevance? Simple. Once a human being does a sin in a short life he/she has the potential to surely does a sin in an eternal life. Don’t you see the problem? Why God put Adam and Eve in a sinful position, allowing Satan to have all his tools on their minds. They eventually would do the sin, being rejected from God presence, and their children suffer until the end of time! Don’t you see a little problem here? How a wise God would do that knowing that the sin would eventually be performed? Would you do that knowing that this situation leads to a disaster?
It is hell condition. Please read the previous paragraph if you are not convinced. Satan was in Garden or not? That is enough to make the life like a hell.
Yes. Then why God doesn’t forgive us and take us to Haven? We do forgive our children so simply, opening our arms wide open and accept them when they do something wrong to us. And we have to live in misery far from God for what reason? No? God is Love and our love is not comparable to Gods love, still we forgive our children and accept them in our home and God does’t.