How long for infants to be baptized?

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What is the acceptable time between birth and baptism? I’m due in a few days for my first child and the earliest I can baptize my baby is about a week after that. I’m not sure how I’ll be feeling at the time, but if the church requires it ASAP, I’ll suck up my discomfort. The next time after that (at the parish we are having the baby baptized) is the first Sunday of the month, so about 5 weeks after birth. Any thoughts or resources? New parent here! 😅
The Code of Canon Law has this to say:
Can. 867 §1. Parents are obliged to take care that infants are baptized in the first few weeks; as soon as possible after the birth or even before it, they are to go to the pastor to request the sacrament for their child and to be prepared properly for it.
If you’re not feeling well, obviously you shouldn’t push yourself. Just take your time and take care of it as soon as you can. And know that in an emergency, anyone may baptize with ordinary water and the proper formula for baptism (I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit).
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When I attended retreat years ago, we learned that a baby should be baptized within 8 days after birth.

St. Padre Pio was baptized on his birthday. He said it was one of the greatest graces God gave him.
When I attended retreat years ago, we learned that a baby should be baptized within 8 days after birth.
That’s a nice thing to do, but the law doesn’t get that specific. It just says “within the first few weeks.”
My daughter was baptized at one month. We met with the priest when I was still pregnant and had it scheduled about three weeks after her due date, then she arrived ten days early.

I am all for having baptisms ASAP, but you might find a week is too soon. I had a vaginal delivery without complications, but I was so sore I could still only sit on a couch after one week. I went to mass after two weeks, that was the earliest time I could sit at a hard surface without pain. Also, the first week after the birth, you will bleed a LOT.

We will probably schedule the next baby’s baptism two-three weeks after the due date as well.
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It can be very hard for the mother to attend so early, and unless for medical emergencies a newborn should never be separated from their mother.
I was born in 19… ahem, and was about 7 weeks old at my baptism.

5 weeks is fine as far as I understand.

1 week post partum you might be lucky to get a nap and a shower on the same day.
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