I’m not trying to be argumentative with this question. This question was posed to me by someone who disagrees with using the term “Trinity” and rather prefers the term “Godhead.” They also want to make a distinction between the “Catholic Trinity” and the “Christian Trinity”.
They proposed to me that
"The difference between Catholic and Christian “trinity” is in this question:
How many Gods will you see when you get to heaven? In Catholicism, they have
an old man depicted as the “Father”, and they believe they will see “two or
three” (if the bird is present). They also claim that the “trinity” is “a
mystery no man can understand”. "
I actually think I’m ready to answer this question from a Biblical
stand point, but I’ve got reservations about answering it
without putting some more thought and getting advice on it.
I’m not trying to be argumentative with this question. This question was posed to me by someone who disagrees with using the term “Trinity” and rather prefers the term “Godhead.” They also want to make a distinction between the “Catholic Trinity” and the “Christian Trinity”.
They proposed to me that
"The difference between Catholic and Christian “trinity” is in this question:
How many Gods will you see when you get to heaven? In Catholicism, they have
an old man depicted as the “Father”, and they believe they will see “two or
three” (if the bird is present). They also claim that the “trinity” is “a
mystery no man can understand”. "
I actually think I’m ready to answer this question from a Biblical
stand point, but I’ve got reservations about answering it
without putting some more thought and getting advice on it.