I go to week day mass and mass on a Sunday, so 6 days a week. I only miss week day mass if a family/friend commitment crops up that I can’t fit around mass. But I cant work so going to mass is my work. I have found weekday mass to be a great benefit to me. It gives me the Blessed sacrament daily which is just too wonderful for words, extra prayer time (I go early to attend adoration regularly), more homilies and access to the Word read too me especially before I was of a mind to read it myself and it has become a social thing too as I know the people who go regularly and now I help clean the church and help out with various charity things when I am able. Our old priest used to ask us to stay behind after mass to help him with little chores such as putting away chairs after big masses (Christmas/Easter) and cards or parish welcome letters all for a cup of coffee and a chat. I have taken over from some of our older parishioners with certain duties and works around the parish and am now just part of the furniture and really feel the community spirit when one of us needs something there is always someone willing to help. When our new priest started he really relied on us to show him the ropes and where everything fitted in. He is quite relaxed and leaves a lot of things up to us. I think it’s most beneficial on many levels to go as often as we can, not everyone can go during the week, but if you can, I thoroughly recommend it, especially if you can manage to go to adoration, there’s nothing quite like it.