How many nuns in Hanceviile?

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Does anybody here know how many Poor Clare nuns are currently at Mother Angelica’s monastery in Alabama? I heard that they’re now down to 9, but I don’t know if that’s true.
I am sure that’s not true. At the time that I was taking my classes there yearly, they had room for about 32, and she was turning away about 200 people each year. Young women really desire the cloister…and Brother David said that they only have an opening if one of the sisters passes away, so no more than 2 at a time.
I would think she’s still got a full house. 😉
I have not been there in 5 years though. There were many younger sisters there at the time. There’s not way they could have all passed away, and in no way did any of them seem unhappy.
Where did you hear this?
I am sure that’s not true. At the time that I was taking my classes there yearly, they had room for about 32, and she was turning away about 200 people each year. Young women really desire the cloister…and Brother David said that they only have an opening if one of the sisters passes away, so no more than 2 at a time.
I would think she’s still got a full house. 😉
I have not been there in 5 years though. There were many younger sisters there at the time. There’s not way they could have all passed away, and in no way did any of them seem unhappy.
Where did you hear this?
I had heard that several of the nuns (not sure how many, though) had been sent to open PCPA convents in other parts of the country / world, which would explain the drop in nuns there (if there is indeed one).

As for the alleged drop itself, I heard it from someone who, in turn, claims to have heard it from those who are closest to the situation (if such a situation exists, that is). This guy, who’s an ardent admirer of the SSPX, has started calling the Ordinary Form Mass / Novus Ordo Mass the “New World Order Mass,” refuses to accept the canonizations of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II as well as the beatification of Pope Paul VI, and even has doubts as to whether or not Pope Francis is a true pope. At any rate, he claims most of the nuns in Hanceville wanted to go full-on traditional, that is, have the Extraordinary Form Mass exclusively, and supposedly the Church or bishop wouldn’t allow it, and so those nuns allegedly ended up leaving (perhaps to found new orders focusing exclusively on the Extraordinary Form?).

Of course, I find that scenario extremely difficult, if not impossible, to believe.
I’ll bet not.
We’re only about 3 hours away…I’ll have to go and see for myself , LOL!
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