How many of you have dreams with a gender flip?

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Background: I’m a guy.

So I’m curious how many people have dreams where they end up being the opposite gender in their dreams? For example, though I’m a guy, I’ve had dreams where I’m female. Usually it’s if there’s a female character I like from a show or book (for example Clark from The 100 or Katniss from The Hunger Games.) But sometimes, like last night, it can be a random nobody. So I’m just curious if I’m in the minority when it comes to this or if it’s rather common.
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I did a few years back that I was a small boy…could be I was trying in real life to see life as my young son did?
Reading from the main characters point of view could possibly do it it.
I once dreamt I was a hot fudge sundae. Does that count?
No. That was real life. Anyways, I think it was based on a true story.
I gotta wonder what that dream was like. I mean I’ve dreamt of being an animal (once I dreamt I was mourning dove but I could only figure out how to fly upwards and therefore got stuck in a garage) but I can’t recall ever dreaming of being an inanimate object.
I felt like there was a certain point half way through the dream that anything I did was reaching diminishing returns- kind of frustrating. Yet , I carried on.
No I’ve always been myself in my dreams.

I did dream I was a homicide detective once though, but I had fallen asleep with the TV on and tuned to some detective show about cold cases.
Never had a gender flip dream.

But I have dreamed that I was a celebrity being hounded by the media as I was entering an awards show or photo shoot. (I think those dreams are based on having several relatives who are in show business.)
No gender flip for me, either. I’ve always been myself, though not always my current age. On numerous occasions, I’ve been younger me or older me.

That said, I haven’t remembered a dream in at least fifteen years. I accept that I must be dreaming when I sleep, but I couldn’t tell you what my dreams are about.
No gender flip. However, I did dream I was an animal. A man chased me through the woods and I ended up trapped in a tool shed with a dirt floor. He was pounding at the door and I thought “I can’t dig a hole and crawl out fast enough, but I bet a fox could!” So I changed myself into a fox, dug out, and escaped. What a weird dream…
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