I don’t think convert-making was her apostolate, as much as ministering to the poor in the best way she could under very adverse circumstances. It is the “Catholic way” to help whomever we can, regardless of their faith, and hope that for some, they may see the truth and goodness of our faith through the charity we demonstrate.
I don’t wish to suggest that other faiths don’t do likewise, but I can tell you that I knew of an evangelical group who helped immigrants (Ukrainians to be specific), with the very strong suggestion that they attend their church instead of the Ukrainian Catholic Divine Liturgy. Catholic charity doesn’t operate that way.
And I want to be very, very clear that I
don’t endorse a group that some would call schismatic, but the Fraternite Notre-Dame couples adherence to the traditional Catholic Latin rites (TLM
et al) with a great emphasis upon charity and helping the poor wherever they may be, and that is putting it mildly. Needless to say, this is received very well in the eyes of the secular world — as well it should be. Perhaps the FSSP, SSPX, and others could copy from their playbook?
I’ve heard some very good things about their French pastries and intend to try them the next time I’m up Chicago way