When I read this post by Spokenword, I thought - what an odd thing to say. I wondered about that poster. Did he think that God would establish thousands of different Churches designed to suit the likes and dislikes of unthinking people. I would not think the one Holy Father would provide a “cafeteria” for the likes of man to pick and chose his Faith.
Jesus Christ told Peter that He would build His Church on Peter and that He would not forsake the Church. [In spite of the actions of unholy men]. Christ did not say He would build a new and different Church any time some men separated from His Church. He said there would be one Church.
“Lifestyle”. Does God think a lifestyle is important? If God and heaven are eternal, would it seem that a new (and probably passing) “lifestyle” would turn God’s head? May I ask that if God changes each time new “fads or lifestyles” appear :Then GOD IS CHANGABLE. The prayer called the “Gloria” and said at Mass, says, " As it was in the beginning , it is now and ever shall be." This is refering to The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. They have not changed is the meaning. Therefore, may this poster say that it is illogical to assume that God “caters” to men, but men should “cater” to God?