How much effort is required to make sure we evangelize? Are we supposed to bring up Jesus & Church teachings to everyone we know? What if people don’t want to talk about it?
There’s a difference between effort and method. You should live with all your strength directed toward loving the Lord. HOW you go about sharing it depends on situation. I’ve found that many of my friends whom I’ve influenced towards Christ has been because of the way I live and interact with others. You don’t have to preach to reach - and some people aren’t ready for preaching.
I’ve got a co-worker who is into the Way of the Master, which essentially involves tearing a person down by reminding them of sin, telling them that Christ is their only hope, asking for a conversion on the spot, and leaving the person there as a ‘new creation’ but with little or no more direction than before. All of these things are true, but they’re heavy-handed, dependent on emotion, and likely to run into resistence. It’s also easy to derail the WOTM script of “Are you a good person?” by responding “No, I’m a terrible sinner. I was at least having a good day, why would you bring up my faults like that?” But that’s besides the point.
Being love is the first step in evangelization. I don’t just mean opening the door for people, I mean real acts of love and charity. Live peacefully, make amends with those who wrong you, speak out for the oppressed and against the oppressors. That all sounds grand, but it can be something as simple as standing up to a workplace bully or taking the time to really listen to someone who feels overburdened.
I struggle with impatience so any negativity directed towards Church teachings would likely cause me to be become angry & get into an argument.
It’s a little unfair for someone to tell you that you must defend every single teaching of the Church in order for them to come to Christ. It’s likewise a stumbling block for many - I have friends who’ve left the Church because they don’t like the teaching on homosexuality. I think it’s fair to say you don’t have to embrace the teaching on union membership or health care to embrace Christ. Now, if someone wants to disagree on Jesus’ divinity, that’s another story…
A few times when I felt moved to discuss something Catholic in nature because I saw an opening, the other person didn’t seem all that interested.
We’re not the hip, fun, happy-clappy people all the time. And the Church tends to weigh in on matters of substance which a lot of people avoid. Keep it as personal as you can - what you do with your life, what matters to you. Is your loudest calling the Church the call to charity and acts of love? Then talk about wanting to help others.
I also don’t feel qualified to give in depth answers, and I do not want to give someone wrong information.
It’s good to know when you don’t know everything. You’re not a theologian, you don’t have a D.Div. You shouldn’t be called on the carpet for everything the Church does. Likewise, no one has the right to say “How can you be Catholic when there were the Crusades and the Inquisition?” - you could just as easily ask “Why do you pay taxes to a country that massacred Native Americans?” You had nothing to do with either and shouldn’t be expected to answer for it.
Where you feel inadequate in knowledge, seek and find. You have a LOT of resources at your disposal.
How concerned am I supposed to be with everyone else’s salvation when I’m trying to work on my own?
A friend of mine is a Deacon and he is of the mind that God gives him a person for maybe only a few minutes but that may be the only time they have to hear about the Lord. I think that reflects his Pentecostal upbringing, and it puts a lot of pressure on him to look for an opening. He’s learned to pray for those he can’t find an opening with, and to pray for an opening for everyone else he meets.
I think that approach is stressful, really. God’s not going to give you a wall and tell you punch through it. If you see a door, He may tell you to open it (even if you have to tear the hinges off) but He’ll give you the tools to do it - the key or the screwdriver. You should witness Christ to everyone in your life, however imperfectly, and at least by the way you live your life. But you don’t have recite the Gospel to all of them. Pray on the openings and be the love you receive.