How much harm can Satan do?

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I know that the devil can do many taunting things that are frustrating and inconvenient, but does he have the power to do serious damage, such as to get a person in a serious car accident, or arrange that they break a bone?
I know that the devil can do many taunting things that are frustrating and inconvenient, but does he have the power to do serious damage, such as to get a person in a serious car accident, or arrange that they break a bone?
Read Job’s story (when the devil sifted him.) Sometimes God allows, nay even directs things in such a way (e.g., serious car accident leading to paralysis) as to lead to our ultimate good. It could be that wheelchair that turns our life around…or whatever the case may be.

God directs all things for our best! Always persevere in the Faith, and carry your crosses with joy, because such is God’s will and pleasure.

1 Cor 9:24-27
Satan is certainly capable of things like this. As a fallen Archangel he is extremely powerful and intelligent. But, lucky for us, he is usually restrained by God from doing direct physical harm to us (our guardian angels have the task of protecting us from that). Like E.E.N.S said, look at the book of Job. Satan had to ask God for permission to afflict Job, and God only gave him permission in order to (ultimately) strengthen Job’s faith and reveal God’s power. The bottom line is that we are under God’s protection, and the only power Satan has for doing evil is if God can turn it around to make good.

Read The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis…

While Satan certainly can do much,
he finds he doesn’t have to…
instead, he manipulates Man to do the most harm for him.

So, how much harm Satan can do?

As much as you allow him.
Never underestimate Satan!!! If you want to see what power Satan has, as Fr. Corapi says, “turn on the six o’clock news!”
He can do LOTS of damage. I didn’t used to be afraid of him, and because of that I was more susceptible to his temptations. Whenever I feel tempted, I remember Dante’s Inferno. In it, the Devil is so far from God’s love and warmth that he is frozen in a block of ice. That’s what I imagine our souls to be like when we continuously sin mortally and never ask God for His forgiveness.

In Christ,
St. Pio (Padre Pio) would get physically attacked by the devil sometimes during his life. After these attacks, the Blessed Virgin Mary would appear at his side to comfort him. The devil can attack us in subtle ways as well.

Dr. Colossus:
Satan is certainly capable of things like this. As a fallen Archangel he is extremely powerful and intelligent…
Tell me about it. One time I was praying to fight off temptation and I found myself about to say a prayer to Satan to increase the temptation.:eek: He can sometimes distort things. Good thing the Holy Spirit was stronger and was able to stop that attack at its tracks.
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