How Much Is Too Much?

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On Sundays, how much homework (studying) do you or your children do? Does homework impede on the amount of dedication one can commit to one’s parish community?
On Sundays, how much homework (studying) do you or your children do? Does homework impede on the amount of dedication one can commit to one’s parish community?
If my kids are still doing homework on Sundays, then I am not doing my job as a parent. I’m not saying you are not doing a good job as a parent. But my children must do all there homework before the weekends come. When they get home on Fridays from school its time to hit the books before anything else. Sunday would be a little to late for me. We spend about 2 hours a day on homework. I have 2 kids. They are young but private school don’t care about age.
As a college student, I can definately say that homework is disruptive to my committments to my parish. Summer is always a blessed summer retreat which allows me to go to daily Eucharistic Adoration, mass, liturgy of the hours, spiritual reading, etc, none of which I have time for during the school year as a result of 4-8 hours of homework a night.

I find it unrealistic to get homework done on a Friday night. Firstly, professors assign extra homework over the weekends, so there is no way you could get it done on the Friday night to begin with. Secondly, its the only real night available to go out with friends and relieve the stress of the week.

I find doing homework on Sunday as opposed to Saturday helpful. It warms my mind up for school the next coming days.

Well, I am a very dedicated student and junior year had very difficult classes. Even with wonderful organization and homework time on Friday nights, it wasn’t usually enough. On the weekends, I wrote at least one 15-20 page lab report and that took part of both Saturday and Sunday. I have done up to about 5-6 hours of homework and studying on Sunday but never missed any of my religious commitments as a result. I think that it is appropriate to do as much as you have to do so long as you are not ignoring your responsibility to God on Sundays.

Currently, I am not doing that much work on the weekends, but I still would do it again if I had to (and will have to during medical school I’m sure).

well, if they procrastinate… then they had better work hard. Depending on the week, I had about 4-6 hours of studying a day in one of my classes… this could be remedied a bit by working harder on other days, but usually I just locked myself in my room after dinner until I went to bed. It worked and I did well. I hope college isn’t as “study intensive” with all the busy work as high school was!
I wish I had time in high school and college to get all my homework done during the week. I was trying to get it all done, but teachers decide that a weekend is a great time to double or triple up on homework. I would skip church some Sundays since I hadn’t slept yet for the weekend, and I still had work left to do.

There is also a big difference between young children and high school and college aged people so it kind of makes me feel bad to hear someone say that it has to get done Friday night when I think of how many times I tried to make that happen, but I had 40 or 50 hours of work to do.

There are times when it happens, but it is great to try not to let it get in the way.
Honestly, when juggling sports, a heavy class load, and work, sometimes, actually most times, there just isn’t enough time during the week to get all your homework done. On weekdays during the school year, I typically don’t even get to start my homework until after nine, and I usually go to bed between midnight and one. It used to be pretty hard, but my body adjusted to it. Weekends are my time to catch up on everything I couldn’t get done during the week, and it’s sad to say that a lot of the work falls on Sunday night. I do procrastinate sometimes, but most times you’re just too tired on Friday night or Saturday night to get things done and you just need a break. Sunday night I typically feel a lot more refreshed because I’ve had two nights of sleep and a whole day of God and just relaxing…then finishing homework that night is easier than any other time.
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