How much should we care?

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How much should Catholics care about world issues and politics? I know it is important to stand up for the Truth, but how do you balance it all? Is it better to avoid participating in efforts to “change the world” and focus more on what we do in our daily lives(how we treat others, spreading Christ to friends, volunteering with underserved/Catholic mission groups)?
I mean, we should do both, for instance voting and publicizing about issues, but is one more important than the other. Listening to politics just always feels so disheartening
You should have a balance. But if politics makes you feel bad, lighten that option a bit.
Media is so skewed and biased, no matter where you turn. I think of the orders of contemplative nuns that never listen to news but whose prayers uphold the world.
For us who live in the real world, we do need balance. Remember that the best way to bring the world closer to God is to work on your own sanctity as a priority, then also help others to the extent you can. Prayer is extremely efficacious for others.
I always have so much to pray for and can’t possibly pray for all the world’s and individual’s needs. I don’t think we need to do more than implore God, in a general way, to have mercy on all, especially those who most need his mercy.
And yes, vote and participate in politics to the extent you are called to do so. Many of us are not called to do so but that doesn’t mean we aren’t “doing” something.
How much should Catholics care about world issues and politics?
I care to the extent I can do something about it.
Many things are totally out of my hands except for prayer, and worry about them is pointless.

Additionally, I have too many concerns going on in my own life right now (none of which politics can address) to have much energy for politics.
I don’t think it is that important but I can’t vote yet. Maybe only for certain issues that the Church gives a clear and definite answer on.
I dont care enough to actually get involved in anything anymore; it just isn’t worth the stress and bs; not saying I dont pray for and see answers to issues that cause me concern.
Solving the worlds problems has proven to be more difficult than first thought.
We should…
It is inherent to our social and polítical nature.
The search of the common good comes with our participation.
The building of the community within which we live comes with our participation…
Fraternal friendship among communities comes also with our participation.
As we can, somebody is building that peace within which a nun can pray in tranquility…as her prayer helps us all .

Let me share once again the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church ,for persons here still at school or young so that we can see how it it is carefully dealt with and woven into our lives . EIGHT
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Human beings tend to believe they have much more control over this World than they actually do. This attitude among the non-religious is pervasive. They believe everything can be solved through secular means. They refuse to cede any control to, or put Faith in a Divine Authority. There is only so much we can do here, and must face the facts that we are very outnumbered when it comes to Believers vs. Non-Believers. Our Faith will save us when it counts, and that may not be while we are walking upon this Earth.
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