My wife and I go to battle over the question of how much TV is appropriate for a little one. Personally, I would like to throw the TV in the garbage (but how would I get EWTN???). For the most part, I have managed to convince her that 30 minutes per day is quite enough (and this number is based somewhat on a study that was recently publicized in the popular media). That 30 minutes is usually Baby Einstein, Dora, the Wiggles, or Elmo. I want TV (if it has to be in our house) to be a treat (and as much as it can be) a learning experience. Actually, I think that because of the limited time she spends in front of the “talking box,” she has taken to books as her main source of visual stimulation / discovery. Pretty Cool! What do other parents do? What are your thoughts? Are there any other good studies out there on this topic?