How often do dreams come true?

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I have had this dream on my mind for quite a while. I had it about a year and a half ago, and if it is a prophetic dream of any sort, then it means much good news for me. However, I understand that not all prophetic dreams come true. Many, especially Easterners, are somewhat suspicious towards dreams, since they might be under the influence of Satan.

Just a whole lot of really weird incidences have happened in the past week in relation to this dream. I really wish that what has been happening is from God, but I just don’t know. It’s so hard to tell. If you could please pray that the dream comes true though, I would be much appreciated 😃

In any case, have you ever had a dream years before the event in your dream happened in real life? Like did you ever dream of someone before you actually met them in person?

That’s what has happened to me. It’s a really strange but exhilirating feeling. Thanks! :cool:

In any case, do you think that such dreams are from God?
My personal opinion (based on science and reason, of course): Dreams don’t mean much. Your mind rehashes your memories especially recent ones and ones that are troubling or exciting you. They might have some psychological value for the reason. They are NOT predictive.

But: God as used them in the past for that purpose, for example to St. Joseph. How do I know you’re not receiving a revelation?

Well, it’s just very likely! 😛

But if your dream is something you want, don’t pray for dreams to be true, just pray for what you want.

You can ALWAYS pray for what you want (unless you already know it’s not His Majesty’s will).
Yeah, I understand that many dreams are psychological, but what happens when you dream of someone before actually meeting that person?
On the Wednesday night during Holy Week this year, I had an unusual dream. It was very peaceful. God seemed to be looking down from heaven and saying he was calling Terri Schiavo home. He seemed to be using government officials to accomplish His will. His will seemed to be untouched by all of the evil in the world.

The dream did not excuse anyone’s evil behavior, and I had always thought it was creepy to withhold food and water from her the way they did. It may not have meant anything at all, because there was plenty on the news about her at the time that might have caused something in my subconscious mind to have this dream.

Another time, years ago, I had a very peaceful dream like this. At the time, a medical team had transplanted a baboon’s heart into an infant girl. In my dream, God was saying, “I don’t want Baby Faye to have a baboon’s heart. I want her in My Heart.” Then the clock radio came on and said, “Baby Faye, the baby with the baboon’s heart, died last night.”

I really don’t know what to make of thes dreams, but I think that people have unusual dreams all of the time.
Any premonition (for lack of a better word) I’ve ever had came while I was wide awake. I did have an experience dur9ng the night a few weeks ago. I had been praying for a blind dgo to be healeed and i woke knowing that I should read John 9:25. I was stunned to read that it was the story of Jesus curing the blind man at the pool of Siloam. I was more amazed that the next week the ruins of that pool were found by archaeologists. I know it means something, I just don’t know what. the dog is still blind.
"When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do"

I can’t say it any better…
I have had the experience a few times while doing daily spiritual reading where things would happen every day for a few weeks where the answers and explainations would come in the next days spiritual reading. It just bolstered my faith, had no tremendous impact on my life. When I started seeing a spiritual director he told me about this and many things that can happen.

Perhaps your dream is from God. Would’nt be the first time.
God is a mystery though. Try reading the following-
The Bible, Revised Standard Edition

The Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia

Daniel, chapter 5


12: because an excellent spirit, knowledge, and understanding to interpret dreams, explain riddles, and solve problems were found in this Daniel, whom the king named Belteshaz’zar. Now let Daniel be called, and he will show the interpretation."
I have had several dreams that have come true throughout my life.

My problem is that when I have them, there is no indication that I have found yet that tells me that “this dream is different” (though I do tend to remember them longer than the ususal ones), that it is anything more than the usual stuff, until it happens.

When it does happen, I very clearly remember the dream itself, and remember when I had it, but typically, by the time I realize I am living the dream, there isn’t often much to do except reflect upon the experience.

At any rate, I have had a few dreams that I have really wanted to come true, and hoped that they would, but know now that they won’t.]

So, I guess what I’d say to you is, there is a possibility that your dream is predictive, but it would be far more “efficient” to pray for the result, rather than just hoping the dream will come true. :o
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