How often do you exercise?

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Spurred by another thread, I thought I would poll how often we Catholics exercise.
I used to go up to my school’s wellness center and work out for an hour a day on weekdays. Not anymore…😦

But it’s possible I will be moving into some apartments with a pretty good-sized gym. Pray for me that I might overcome the temptation of laziness and clean out the Holy Spirit’s temple a little better.
I don’t actually exercise all that much. I have a 4 and 2 yo and run around after them all day. Plus, my husband and I like to be outside and doing things, as opposed to watching TV together.

The biggest way I keep myself in shape is to eat healthy and feed my family healthy meals. Like most other mothers, I do have stretch marks and saggy, flabby skin on my belly from being stretched out during pregnancy. (Actually I am 8 months pregnant so I am not suffering from that particular flaw right now…nothing’s sagging these days, it’s stretched quite tight thankyouverymuch)
But these things are MUCH less noticable on a flat stomach than they were immediately postpartum. I look darn good in my clothes and, while I’m not perfect to look at naked, who ever sees me this way besides H? And he is 50% responsible for creating those kids so I know he doesn’t hold it against me. 😉
It has a lot to do with my self esteem because while I am not the youngest woman out there, or the most toned, I still look good and am much thinner and in better shape than many of the young “ladies” who are scantily dressed and showing their goods off like crazy.

Basically I think that having kids has definitely changed my body but it is not an excuse to be overweight. I am still responsible for maintaining this bod that God gave me. It is not perfect but, heck, it wasn’t perfect to begin with. I do the best I can and stay slender.

My husband is a fan of Padre Pio’s and he often quotes a saying that goes something along these lines (I don’t know it exactly, sorry!) “When you are full and yet you take another bite anyway, then you will be eating like a pagan.”
Someone can correct with the exact phrase if you please, but that is the gist.

Surely not often enough.

I keep promising myself to do better. Maybe a public confession will help.
In the past 1-2 years, very litte. 😦 I was in a serious accident last summer so that was a set back. Now, I really don’t have an excuse just laziness. I have been thinking lately, that I HAVE to get going again. Even running 2-3 mi. 3x/week. I feel so much better when I excercise. It is just such a hard habit to get into. I am ashamed to say that my kids have been driving me nuts the past month, and I have thought that exercise might be a step in remedying my approach with them, reducing my stress, and giving me a more rosey outlook.
Im taking a shot at NAVY SEAL BUD/S…so Im constantly training…way more than 10 hours a week.

I try to walk at least 2 miles a day 5 times a week when I’m not on these forums!:eek: sooo… it has now deteriorated to maybe 1 mile every other day…😃
I run an average of 30 miles a week which means I log over 1,500 miles a year. I’ve completed 3 marathons and lots of 1/2 marathons.
Some people need prozac, I need to run. I run when it’s 90 degrees; I run when it’s 10 below zero. I run in the rain, I run in the snow. Sometimes I pray while I run. Sometimes I sing praise songs. If I’m really struggling with something I can usually work out a solution while I’m running. I always feel better when I’m finished. Everyone has their own idea of what heaven will be like… for me heaven is miles and miles of the most beautiful shaded running trails. 🙂
Im taking a shot at NAVY SEAL BUD/S…so Im constantly training…way more than 10 hours a week.

Good luck Sojourner!

I’d love to know what your training schedule is. I’d imagine a lot of everything

God bless
carol marie:
I run an average of 30 miles a week which means I log over 1,500 miles a year. I’ve completed 3 marathons and lots of 1/2 marathons.
Some people need prozac, I need to run. I run when it’s 90 degrees; I run when it’s 10 below zero. I run in the rain, I run in the snow. Sometimes I pray while I run. Sometimes I sing praise songs. If I’m really struggling with something I can usually work out a solution while I’m running. I always feel better when I’m finished. Everyone has their own idea of what heaven will be like… for me heaven is miles and miles of the most beautiful shaded running trails. 🙂
Great Job Carol!

What are your PR’s for the marthathon and the half?

So far you get women’s gold medal and Sojourner gets the men’s
I exercise five times a week at least. It does wonders for my mental state and energy level. 🙂
I go to the gym on Monday and Wednesday for 1 to 1 1/2 hrs each time. I spend about 2 to 3 hrs per week doing yard work and another 3 or 4 hrs per week with my buds cutting down trees and spliting the wood for fire wood. We keep some and sell some. We usually donat the proceeds to the K of C.
I also am a marathon runner. I’ve run 11 marathons – 4 this year. Strangely enough, I still could stand to shed a few pounds.

I find that the isolation of running cultivates my creativity and problem-solving. If I ever encounter an issue that requires some “noodling”, a good, long, run often breaks the mental log jam.

I’ve also recently taken up swimming and the hours spent staring at the blue line have enhanced my prayer life. That time spent away from all distractions forces me to spend some quality time in prayer.

In addition to the mental/spiritual benefits, I exercise to do my best to set a good example for my wife and children about providing stewardship for our bodies. Of course, I don’t know when the Lord will take me home, but I want to do my part to try and make sure the time I have here is healthy and productive.
I exercise everyday! (almost every:o ) I like to exercise especially to stay in shape, and other wise I have to much energy!!!
Definately alot more when kids are in school!!! (SIGH~~)

Who has time when they’re home every day under foot?

I’m really looking forward to it again! In Sept.!!!
The only exercise I really get, I’m afraid, is marching band.
I work out 1 hour five to six days per week. I do pilates or yoga (alternating) 20 minutes, then walk or run or intervals while praying rosary and chaplet of divine mercy on treadmill 40 min., then follow-up with 10 minutes of weights. I get up at 4:45 am to do this…I have four children 8 and younger. The exercise helps the mood, but it is the prayer time alone with God and the treadmill that I cannot do without! By the way the yoga I do is strictly for toning and stretching muscles, no funky stuff!
my mouse finger gets a lot of exercise, thanks to the forums. I cannot do much except aquasize due to physical limitations, which I do when I can find an open pool.
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