How often do you hear a pre-recorded message from your bishop that isn't a request for money?

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How often do you hear a pre-recorded message from your bishop that isn’t a request for money? What do you experience? Is it rare? Often?
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We heard one when he first took his position in our diocese introducing himself. He has sent out some messages asking for hurricane relief assistance or assistance of other forms. I don’t mind those.

He occasionally stops by to do Mass at our parish. He like to travel the diocese doing masses at different parishes when he can. He’s very personally active within the diocese.

I would like to add that he’s the youngest Bishop ever in the United States:

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pre-recorded message from your bishop
I’m not sure what you mean by that – a recorded message that’s played during Mass, or a robo-call over the phone? Because we don’t get anything like that in our diocese. We do get weekly messages from him in our diocesan newspaper, so it’s not like we never hear from him, and maybe once every 2-3 years there will be a letter from him read out during the homily time, if there is a really important issue. But recorded messages – nope.

We don’t get pre-recorded messages by way of robo calls. We have a video from the bishop that we see when we take the safe environnment class.
A letter was sent to be read at each parish in our diocese after the sexual scandals brought to light in 2018 written by our bishop.
On our Catholic radio station he says the Memorare prayer and asks that we pray
this prayer once an hour throughout the day with the intention of ending abortion.
He is very pro-life.
Once in awhile, a pre-recorded video from the Bishop might be played during Mass around the time for a charity request for the Diocese, but that is rare.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard a pre-recorded message from the bishop.
If the Bishop wants to say something to us, he usually writes a letter to all the parishes and it’s either read at Sunday Mass or put in the bulletin as an insert and the priest tells us all to please read it.
I have heard from Bishops at other times by going to a Mass at which they preach, such as at the Cathedral or at a parish they happen to be visiting.
I have never gotten a phone call purporting to be from the bishop or from the diocese, robo or otherwise.
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Thanks for the replies. I did not mean robo-calls. I mean a recording played during mass in the stead of a homily. I have heard this more than once, and it is usually to ask for money.
In the stead of the homily, you say? Never. I’ve heard a few just before Mass ended, but never in the stead of the homily.
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