How often to you think about your guardian angel?

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I have been reading a lovely little book by TAN publishing on devotion to our guardian angel and was curious what others had to say.

Do you have a particular devotion to your angel?
Have you given him/her a name?
How often to you recall them throughout the day?
Did you think of your angel more when you were younger (grade school age) or now?

I believe it was St. Josemaria Escriva who said to greet the angel of someone you have a difficult time dealing with before you even speak to them. I need to remember that more often!

Now that I am a mother- I find myself constantly asking my son’s guardian angel to look out for him as he is quite the fearless 20 month old!

I would also ask my first graders to leave a spot for their angel to sit next to them at Mass (we went daily)- it helped them to keep their hands to themselves, too!

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Believe it or not I think about every day and talk to them every day.

No, I would not give them a name. That actually is something advised against. My explanation wouldn’t be a very good one 😦 but I’ll try if no one else helps out.

I think it has to do with not knowing if who you are naming is actually your guardian angel or the devil since the devil can also work in disguise. Naming it could give it clearance to come around more than you may want.

I ask mine for protection when I drive to help get me home safely. When my husband is out late to ask his guardian angel to bring him home too. I ask them to go to Padre Pio and pray for the intentions of certain people. I also ask them to go to my childhood dog, who will be 17 this year, and tell her how much I love her and that soon as Jesus comes to her, she should go. I like to believe He will have her waiting in heaven for me when I go home too.

I also ask my guardian angel to keep watch over me while I am sleeping so that I am protected from the harm the devil wishes to inflict on me. I ask them to always remind me when I am scared, nervous, and/or apprehensive, to remind me to ask for the help of Jesus or the Blessed Mother. Whoever comes to mind first since it’s during those times I can’t think straight 😦
How often to you think about your guardian angel?
Probably not nearly as often as he thinks about about me, I’m sorry to say! But I do try to say the guardian angel prayer in the morning and at night, and ask for special protection on occasion.

I have never thought to give my guardian angel a name, as I believe that angels are given their names by God.

I don’t think I thank my angel nearly enough. I don’t remember being told about a guardian angel as a child, though I went to CCD and am a cradle Catholic.

I know my angels name is Love, I asked God (not out loud in my head in prayer) to tell me my angels name and felt He answered me and I had confirmation. I also Love to thank the angels of my nieces and nephew(they really work thiers overtime, so do I). I try to remember to thank God for all his Saints and Angels, especially at Mass.
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