How patient are we Christians?

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Dear friends

For me, patience is one of the aspects of God that I am really drawn to. It’s a very hard virtue to practice and I’m wondering just how much patience we Christians have.

Join in the poll if you fancy and please post your thoughts and comments on patience as a virtue and the patience of God. If you have any secrets to keeping your patience share them, I for one could use some advice and helpful hints! 🙂

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I do’ know how much patience I have, I know that if I do get unpatient sometimes I realize it seconds later and try to humble myself out.

If you just realize that you can’t even breath or eat or have one good thought without Gods help and remind yourself of it, you will find yourself hardly complaining.

I guess sometimes god humbles people out to the point where they are thankful for breathing, so I gues patience is a grace through humbleness.
I tend to lose patience more quickly with my family (husband and children) and have much more patience for people I don’t know well. Sad isn’t it? I think it’s because I expect more from those closest to me, or maybe I feel safer in expressing myself. When I do find myself at the end of my tether I try to remember that the person in front of me is a child of God and has their own story, their own perspective. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

PS: Reminds me of a cartoon my sister has taped to her fridge: “Lord, please give me patience – right now!”:banghead:
This one girl I dated said I was the most patient man she ever met. I don’t know where she got that idea. But it was nice to hear it.
I have sometimes prided myself on my patience (dumb, and just asking for trouble) only to find out how little I have in many situations. I do find that I have more of it with people than with things, however much or little that might be at the time.
I prayed to God for patience, and He sent me children 😃 .
The older I get, the more my patience seems to be in the right places. I am much calmer than I was 10 years ago, but if I have to deal with rudeness, watch out!
Dear friends

Thank you for posting up your thoughts and experiences.

It’s true children teach us to be patient, as a mother I can relate to that, but for me I am patient with my child because she isn’t aware or quickly forgets what she has been told to be aware of, in other words my child is not formed fully as an adult is and so my patience with her is much more extensive and elastic.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I used to be passive-aggressive.

The Lord took that from me, with much “help” from friends and foes alike. 😃

Now I am at peace. :love:

Thank you everyone for your kindness during my troubled times. I knkow I was a pain at times. :banghead:

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