How Planned Parenthood Affected My Youth

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How Planned Parenthood Affected My Youth

Planned Parenthood and the ACLU DEMAND the right to sway our children to abort their babies, to reprogram our children to their ideals.

“INTOLERANT CHRISTIAN!! RELIGIOUS RIGHT FANATIC!!” I have stood accused. What have I done but expressed my right of religious freedom — to raise my children to obey the God that I know? Public schools continually attempt to weaken my son’s faith. For standing up to that, I have been called names, been publicly mocked in our liberal local paper, I have received perverse threats by those who accuse ME of intolerance.

Public schools insist they know better than I do what to teach my children. Parents of faith are treated as buffoons that don’t know anything and are incapable of parenting.

Let me tell you what I learned in public school. I learned about birth control. I learned where the “family planning” clinic was, right next to the high school. My friends and I thought it was so cool to be there without parents, treated as adults by smiling nurses, eager to give us diaphragms with that knowing wink of what we were doing.

I homeschool my three children. It is a huge commitment and a struggle but well worth it! I can’t bear the thought of turning them over to the wolves. My husband and I went through Public school and so we know what it’s all about, it is only worse now. I want to make a difference in the school system, but not at the expense of my children. My responsibility is to them first, perhaps I will have the opportunity to help change things in public schools as they get older.
Public schools??? I had a friend in Catholic school who snuck out during the school day to the local PP office to have a pregnancy test done. Over our winter break she went back for the abortion. That was over 25 years ago. PP affected my youth through her experience. It taught me that I never wanted to go through what she did. Pretty nasty…I am sure she was scared for life. 😦
We are praying to God for the means to homeschool our babies when they get that old. We know He will provide us with a way to keep them close to Him. I hate bringing the topic up with my parents because they bring up insipid points like how the kids will have any social skills (do i want them socializing with a 7 year old who talks like a sailor?). My mom thinks my not working is a phase that will surely pass because we can’t possibly afford it. My dad got chewed out last time he tried to say anything about the way i want to raise the kids because he sure as heck wasn’t around to raise me when i was little. It’s just hard because the secular world really expects you just to fall in line and turn your kids over to them for programming and exploitation. They keep coming up with more and more ways to make parents feel like they’re poorly equipped to raise their own children so we can turn them over to daycares and they can get their hooks in them at younger and younger ages while both parents continue earning well below a living wage. We face nothing but raised eyebrows at best and verbal assaults at worst for asking for something different. Sorry to rant, but it’s just nice to find other parents who feel the way we do and understand the frustration you feel with this persecution even from your own well-meaning family.
I think they are a good organization with MOST of what they teach.

I tthink if others actually would not listen to the hear say and go attend one of thier classes you would also find out they are not “pro” abortion its always a last resort and they try to council you out of it.if they are not doing that and just offering up an abortion they are not a true PP organization.AND they spend 5 times more money and commit more man power TRYING to teach kids abstinence than the churches do in the USA.

its no difference than groups around me claiming pro life but wanting to make exceptions to a total non abortion law for rape and incest… murder is murder a rape or incest pregnancy is no different thats a baby that has done no wrong…

Oh i should add that i was raised in a pro choice home, but PP and thier class helped to change my mind and feelings

Peace all
John, I’m glad you’ve changed your mind about being pro-choice… but most pro-lifers don’t support PP because the sum of all it’s actions… they provide birth control and abortions. There are too many things wrong with birth control to mention in this post (check out and you already know how wrong abortion is. Seems like you are on a journey (I’ve read your other posts) and I encourage you to keep reading into PP and the contraceptive mentality. You will become more solid in your understanding of why it’s wrong all the way around and deserves no support. On a side note… giving a child (yes, even as old as 16) access to birth control is a hypocritical action. You raise the child to say no to sex until marriage but then hand them birth control which subtly tells them “I can only hope you make the right choices but because I don’t trust you, here’s birth control and since that’s not perfect, if you get pregnant, here’s the number to PP.” (And that’s IF they don’t get an STD in the process.

I homeschool my children and I have to agree, it’s a challenge. Before we moved here to CA (in Army), I researched the school district and it has very low standards. Not only for academics but for socialization. And now on TV, there are these commercials that show a teen boy running through the streets, looking over his shoulder with a bag in his hand. The comments are “such and such percentage of teens that don’t attend preschool fail…never make it out of highschool…aren’t ready for kindergarten therefore they remain behind in academics.” At the end, that teen runs through a door, takes a cap and gown out of the bag and makes the ceremony. And the last comment is “Give your child a good start. Send them to preschoool. Even if they get a slow start, you gave them a head start.” The IMPLICATION is that if you don’t send your child to the state run 3yo preschool program is that your child will fail in life.

Everyone knows that parents morals and ideals are solidified in the child by the time they are 5. Now why does this liberal state want my child when they are three?? To program them to accept homosexuality, to accept being taught about a bunch of other religions, and be taught about birth control and human sexuality. Can you say Hitler Youth Program???

I’ll expose my children to the harsh realities of this world when they are capable of understanding what they are hearing and seeing and still stand firm in their Catholic faith. You don’t teach a child to drive a car until they are (to some extent) physically capable and mentally capable of undestanding they are powering a 2 ton vehicle, they can understand the rules of the road, etc, etc. Why would you want to teach a 10 year old about sex?
John, I’m glad you’ve changed your mind about being pro-choice… but most pro-lifers don’t support PP because the sum of all it’s actions… they provide birth control and abortions. There are too many things wrong with birth control to mention in this post (check out and you already know how wrong abortion is. Seems like you are on a journey (I’ve read your other posts) and I encourage you to keep reading into PP and the contraceptive mentality. You will become more solid in your understanding of why it’s wrong all the way around and deserves no support. On a side note… giving a child (yes, even as old as 16) access to birth control is a hypocritical action. You raise the child to say no to sex until marriage but then hand them birth control which subtly tells them “I can only hope you make the right choices but because I don’t trust you, here’s birth control and since that’s not perfect, if you get pregnant, here’s the number to PP.” (And that’s IF they don’t get an STD in the process.?
OK so in that Opinion No practicing Catholic girl ever “wanders from the right path” I would agree with you except one thing EVERYONE can be tempted, of all the girls and boys in my school that became parents or contracted an STD Catholics made up over 60 % after the planned parnet Classes they made up 90%+ so that theory although good in print is not factual in our nonperfect society, My stand on suuport for PP is for the help and counciling they give, I am not saying I approve of the BC as it is used But I do appreciate the fact the kids can get Protection from STDs because I am sorry to say the chances of them having sex even coming from a heavy Faith and practicing Family far outway that they wont, I have trust in all our youth I am not putting it in thier hands Because I distrust them I distrust the work of hell.
if that force was not so strong we would have no reason for church,confession etc.
an old saying comes to mind you catch more flies with sugar than with vinegar.PP makes the person seeking an abortion go thru counciling, regardless of what you have heard they literally try to talk the people out of using abortion,not only do they use spiritual
facts but many others as well,not everyone is so accepting of spiritual beliefs but they will listen to other things,
such as medical reprocussions,dangers,possible permanent sterility,and even Death,they are made to see videos of abortions and what the fetus looks like etc,so in actuality they are an allie
to some of what you truely believe
Why would you want to teach a 10 year old about sex.?
Ok why wouldnt you,The Bible dont make it to be dirty or secrative, the church dont teach it to be.why is everyone so afraid of the subject? Because of our on this particular subject you are using from the very thing you are against
because you feel it to be true or decent.
believe it or not this attitude towards sex is what helps to nudge our youth into trying it out.
the Most sexually open country in the world has almost no teen pregnancys,STDs and also has the most non sexually active youths they as a society teach about sex from a very early age.
so it dont have that **mystical attraction **as it does here in the USA. our youth have an attitude that gee the adults dont want us to do it then it must be awesome and they are keeping it to themselves attitude, since age limits on tobacco products has been raised so have the percentage of teens smoking,same with alcohol,drugs and sex,when the ads started flowing to stay away from drugs the drug use rose significantly,its only the last few years we are seeing a rapid decline. why is this? they started the anti drug movement at a much younger age in the schools elementary and even preschool. so the proof is out there one just has to open the eyes to see.hiding human sexuality is not the answer Better communication and instruction actually is.

Its funny you will see very young children in a prolife march and even teach them how wrong abortion is but yet you want to hide what causes the very thing that brings abortion to light…

I am not saying to give all the “juicy” details but answering questions

Something that just popped into my head has me using the edit option on this post…

How many of you make your child wear a seatbelt? why is this do you know for sure you will get in an accident? if so why would you still drive? no we know we dont Know we are going to be in an accident, we are preparing for the “in case of” things happen that are out of our immediate control, we hope we are paying attention when driving and would like to think we could steer the car out of harms way BUT. My way of thinking is this exactly…

Peace be with us all
OK so in that Opinion No practicing Catholic girl ever “wanders from the right path” I would agree with you except one thing EVERYONE can be tempted, of all the girls and boys in my school that became parents or contracted an STD Catholics made up over 60 % after the planned parnet Classes they made up 90%+ so that theory although good in print is not factual in our nonperfect society, My stand on suuport for PP is for the help and counciling they give, I am not saying I approve of the BC as it is used But I do appreciate the fact the kids can get Protection from STDs because I am sorry to say the chances of them having sex even coming from a heavy Faith and practicing Family far outway that they wont, I have trust in all our youth I am not putting it in thier hands Because I distrust them I distrust the work of hell.
if that force was not so strong we would have no reason for church,confession etc.
an old saying comes to mind you catch more flies with sugar than with vinegar.PP makes the person seeking an abortion go thru counciling, regardless of what you have heard they literally try to talk the people out of using abortion,not only do they use spiritual
facts but many others as well,not everyone is so accepting of spiritual beliefs but they will listen to other things,
such as medical reprocussions,dangers,possible permanent sterility,and even Death,they are made to see videos of abortions and what the fetus looks like etc,so in actuality they are an allie
to some of what you truely believe

Ok why wouldnt you,The Bible dont make it to be dirty or secrative, the church dont teach it to be.why is everyone so afraid of the subject? Because of our on this particular subject you are using from the very thing you are against
because you feel it to be true or decent.
believe it or not this attitude towards sex is what helps to nudge our youth into trying it out.
the Most sexually open country in the world has almost no teen pregnancys,STDs and also has the most non sexually active youths they as a society teach about sex from a very early age.
so it dont have that **mystical attraction **as it does here in the USA. our youth have an attitude that gee the adults dont want us to do it then it must be awesome and they are keeping it to themselves attitude, since age limits on tobacco products has been raised so have the percentage of teens smoking,same with alcohol,drugs and sex,when the ads started flowing to stay away from drugs the drug use rose significantly,its only the last few years we are seeing a rapid decline. why is this? they started the anti drug movement at a much younger age in the schools elementary and even preschool. so the proof is out there one just has to open the eyes to see.hiding human sexuality is not the answer Better communication and instruction actually is.

Its funny you will see very young children in a prolife march and even teach them how wrong abortion is but yet you want to hide what causes the very thing that brings abortion to light…

I am not saying to give all the “juicy” details but answering questions

Something that just popped into my head has me using the edit option on this post…

How many of you make your child wear a seatbelt? why is this do you know for sure you will get in an accident? if so why would you still drive? no we know we dont Know we are going to be in an accident, we are preparing for the “in case of” things happen that are out of our immediate control, we hope we are paying attention when driving and would like to think we could steer the car out of harms way BUT. My way of thinking is this exactly…

Peace be with us all
John, you are so right. Too many people seem to believe that if they just don’t talk about it then it won’t happen. It never works that way. And many parents simply don’t talk to their kids about sex at all - ignoring the fact that their peers will tell him and not all the info will be correct. Regardless of your morals, there are some very basic biological facts and kids have a right to know how their bodies work because they are ultimately the ones who make the decisions. There is also the belief by most teens that theses “bad” things won’t happen to them. I guess it’s part of the psyche of the young so they’ll take chances in life. But too often these chances include sex, alcohol and drugs. No 16 year old ever things he/she will be killed in a car wreck riding around and drinking with friends. But it happens. So do STDs and pregnancy. It may be a sad fact of life, but it’s still a fact. I went to PP when I was a teen and a young adult (long before I was Catholic) and they never encouraged me to have sex, they simply provided information and I was glad they were there. They are not simply an abortion mill as many people think.
John, you are so right. Too many people seem to believe that if they just don’t talk about it then it won’t happen. It never works that way. And many parents simply don’t talk to their kids about sex at all - ignoring the fact that their peers will tell him and not all the info will be correct. Regardless of your morals, there are some very basic biological facts and kids have a right to know how their bodies work because they are ultimately the ones who make the decisions. There is also the belief by most teens that theses “bad” things won’t happen to them. I guess it’s part of the psyche of the young so they’ll take chances in life. But too often these chances include sex, alcohol and drugs. No 16 year old ever things he/she will be killed in a car wreck riding around and drinking with friends. But it happens. So do STDs and pregnancy. It may be a sad fact of life, but it’s still a fact. I went to PP when I was a teen and a young adult (long before I was Catholic) and they never encouraged me to have sex, they simply provided information and I was glad they were there. They are not simply an abortion mill as many people think.
A few notes on your previous post (see quote):

Planned Parenthood may teach about abstinence, but they ALSO teach about contraception (otherwise known as “safe sex”). What do you think happens when a teenager, hormones raging, is given a choice to either practice abstinence, or engage in “safe sex”…especially when they are taught that there is no difference, other than one choice results in gratification, and one is moral (but the moral issue is not addressed by PP).

Secondly, if you teach kids about sex in school, tell them that they’d RATHER them not do it, and then give them condoms and contraceptives, that is sending kids mixed messages. It’s like saying “We would really rather you not drink and drive, but if you want to, don’t spill anything on the seats” or “We would rather you not use heroin, but if you do, don’t leave a bunch of needles laying around.” Do you see what I mean?

Sending mixed messages to teenagers in highschool isn’t the best idea. Obviousley then, PP isn’t interested in the outcome and morality of these middleschool-highschool aged kids, but is more interested in the profit that they will gain by the failed condoms and contraceptives that result in pregnency.
One question for PP…If all the Birth Control and sex education you give out is so good and works, why do your patients come back for Abortions??? I like to see them answer that one. :hmmm:
I would agree with you except one thing EVERYONE can be tempted,
I agree with you here… we are all human. I’m not disputing that. I’m disputing the glorification of PP just because it offers “safe sex” options.
PP makes the person seeking an abortion go thru counciling, regardless of what you have heard they literally try to talk the people out of using abortion,not only do they use spiritual
facts but many others as well,not everyone is so accepting of spiritual beliefs but they will listen to other things, such as medical reprocussions,dangers,possible permanent sterility,and even Death,they are made to see videos of abortions and what the fetus looks like etc,so in actuality they are an allie
to some of what you truely believe
:rotfl: I am sooooooooo sorry you believe this drivel. Abortion counselors do NOT even come close to real counseling. It’s all a little blip on the radar screen when it comes to this supposed counseling. But because it’s a money hungry machine, PP will not do this. They are so afraid that if a woman finds out the REAL risks behind abortion, they won’t do it.
Ok why wouldnt you,The Bible dont make it to be dirty or secrative, the church dont teach it to be.why is everyone so afraid of the subject?
I don’t know anyone that is afraid to talk about sex. But to talk about sex in the sexual context with 10 year olds is stupid. They are too immature to handle such information and you’re not much better prepared for it, maturity wise, at 16. Just because your body is fully capable of behaving like an adult doesn’t mean your mental, spiritual, and emotional faculties are ready. And this is where parents come in… to protect and guide.
.hiding human sexuality is not the answer Better communication and instruction actually is.
No one is trying to hide sexuality… but you have GOT to keep it in context in relation to the maturity of the audience. And I agree better communication and instruction are what is needed… thus starting the child to respect life when they themselves are young.
Its funny you will see very young children in a prolife march and even teach them how wrong abortion is but yet you want to hide what causes the very thing that brings abortion to light…
Have you talked to the parents of these children and straight out asked them if they talk to their children about sex? I’m teaching my children to respect life FIRST, then I’ll teach them that a pregnancy is a result of married sexual intercourse. That way if they do happen to “wander from the path” and have a surprise pregnancy, then they WON’T choose abortion.
How many of you make your child wear a seatbelt? why is this do you know for sure you will get in an accident? if so why would you still drive? no we know we dont Know we are going to be in an accident, we are preparing for the “in case of” things happen that are out of our immediate control, we hope we are paying attention when driving and would like to think we could steer the car out of harms way BUT.
And it’s this mentality that leads to abortion… it’s that “back up plan” to the human’s plan instead of 1) having sex inside of marriage and 2) respecting life at all stages and 3) understanding that GOD is in control, not us. Most abortions are done because the “just in case” failed.

You are still on a journey and I urge you to pray for guidance for the proper information you seek. Stop looking to Planned Parenthood as they will throw false information to you. I urge you to look into ALL or Priests for Life. They will give you true answers. And I urge you to look at the CCLI site I gave you earlier to learn more about what birth control really is all about.

peace to you
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