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How regretful must a person be to be forgiven by God? There are some sins that, although I regret them because they hurt God, (and in the long run myself), I don’t feel as remorseful as maybe I should about them.
These sins are usually the type that aren’t especially harmful to other people. Or am I not digging deep enough?
I think I read somewhere that this type of thinking is in itself sinful.
It’s all very confusing.
Dear friend
Do you expect to have the whole journey in faith sorted within a few months?
Do you know that God will gradually kill off the ‘self’ within you?
Do you know God will lead you in tiny baby steps in faith and teach you something daily?
Do you know that God knows your struggles and goes through them with you and every time you confess them graces you with every opportunity to stop that particular sin?
Did you know that the Father’s forgiveness and mercy is waiting there even before you are sorry for a sin, He so wants to forgive and embrace you fully into Himself that He waits saddened, for you to come back to Him?
Do you know that the Father saw the prodigal son coming from far off, in other words friend, did you know that even the desire to even slightly stop a sin and come back to God, He sees it and graces it and aids it, or how else could that son who so grieved his Father have courage to come back?
Do you know that God is strongest in you when you are at your weakest?
Do you know that even if from this day until the day you die you may strive to be perfect you never will be because you are human and a sinner?
Do you know that it is the intent that matters?
We are all not ‘digging deep enough’ no human alive digs deep enough!
Desire Christ Jesus in your intent…you can do no more than desire Him with every fibre of your being
God Bless you and much love and peace to you