It seems to me that a more likely cause-and-effect is changing fashions in clothing. In the 1950s there was pretty much universal rejection of homosexuality. Now, sixty years later there is close to universal acceptance. Now it is tempting, as in the OP, to associate this with other sexual things. But this is speculation without evidence. There is in my view a far better case that acceptance of homosexuality developed as women began to wear mens clothing, starting with slacks in the 1940s and moving on to the full-blown pant suit in the 1970s. Can it be a coincidence that a candidate for President, winner of the popular vote t a time of unprecedented success for the homosexual cause, virtually always wore a pants suit? Now, there is a growing fashion for men to wear skirts. If homosexuality advanced this far through the pants suit, think of how far it will advance with the man skirt!