Need some help defending the Catholic position on the following points …
*] The clear intention of the Luther was to reform the church from within. Try reading his 95 theses and To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation on the Improvement of the Christian State. and On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church The RCC did not wish to be reformed and so excommunicated the Reformers. RC theologian Hans Kung writes the following in reference to Luther: “A Rome unwilling to reform responded to the Reformer’s demand for a return to the gospel of Jesus Christ as simplistically as ever with the demand for submission to the teaching of the church, presupposing that the church, the pope and the gospel were identical…Anyone who has studied this whole story can have no doubt that it is not the reformer Luther but Rome, unwilling to reform – and its German minions (notably the theologian John Eck) – which is mainly to blame for the fact that the dispute about the right way to salvation and the practical reflection of the church on the gospel very rapidly turned into another dispute, about the authority and infallibility of pope and councils. In view of the burning of the reformer John Hus and the prohibition at Constance of the laity drinking from the chalice at the eucharist, this was an infallibility that Luther could not in any way affirm”.
Nowhere have I suggested that we should celebrating division, but if the choice is between compromising your Christian faith with paganism and being separate I will be separate every time.
*] You must instead be the apostles spiritual descendants and not merely be able to claim a historical lineage. Historical lineage is no guarantee of purity of doctrine. Like Jesus I answer you “If you were the apostles successors, you would do the works of the apostles and teach their doctrine". Fortunately even as God could raise up sons of Abraham from stones (Matt. 3:9) then he can raise up spiritual successors of the apostles now.
Aside from this the fact of apostolic succession is very much in issue. From the 8th century on, certain popes annulled ordinations and reordained priests. Popes also decided that where ordinations involved payment of money - simony- they were invalid. So corrupt was the RCC that this may well have wiped out apostolic succession.
*] RC theologian Hans Kung in his book “The Catholic Church” writes “From its earliest times until the present, the church has been, as it still is, the fellowship of those who believe in Christ, the fellowship of those who have committed themselves to the person and cause of Christ and attest it as hope for all men and women”.
Christ did not establish any office or elders, nor did he ordain bishops or priests or pope. The church did not come into being until after his ascension.
Hebrews 12:23 refers to the church of the firstborn as those whose names are written in heaven. Are you really suggesting that all RCs have their names written in heaven and that any non-RC is automatically excluded from this heavenly roll?
*] The RCC is not the “church the Son of God established” since it has made many errors. The guidance of the holy spirit is promised to believers as they seek him. Nothing in the context indicates that it was to be automatically given and merely to the hierarchy of an “official” church.
… Thanks in advance.