Jesus, fully human and fully divine, had to learn how to walk at some point I am sure. I am also more than sure that there was more than a few times he fell on his divine fanny too. I bet he just giggled and got right back up. Learning is a messy process. We are always learning and trying new things which means we will fail and it’s not a sin, it’s the natural way things go. Embrace failure as a learning experience, plan on how to do better, dust yourself off and move on and know that God smiles on that just as we smile on a little baby stumbling around a room trying to figure out walking.
oh and on beating yourself up: people seem to forget that it is “love others as you love yourself” So, simply think about if it’d be okay to say to someone else what you say to yourself. This is something I struggle with too. If I wouldn’t walk up to my husband and say “You didn’t unload the dishwasher like I asked! I don’t care you forgot! You’re a terrible husband and I can’t believe I stay married to you! You’re worthless and you just bring this family down.” No, I’d never in a million years do that, and not just because he’s an amazing spouse. So then I better be sure I am not saying it to myself when I forget to do things!